
20091122, Hiking

讀書會外活動 (Club Outing)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

20091122, Hiking

文章Timothy W. Y. Cheng » 週四 11月 19, 2009 2:59 pm

Dear all,
I'll go hiking this Sunday, if the weather is allowable.
Welcome to join me.

the route will be 風櫃嘴~擎天崗~杏林山 or 大屯連峰 (depend on the weather condition.).
Assembling Place: 圓山 MRT station
Time : 09:30 am. Sun. 11/22
Cell Phone No. : 0968-878-775
最後由 Timothy W. Y. Cheng 於 週六 11月 21, 2009 1:21 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
An open heart practicing compassion in everyday life.
--- the Dalai Lama
Timothy W. Y. Cheng
文章: 132
註冊時間: 週六 4月 14, 2007 9:21 pm

Re: 20091122, Hiking

文章Elisa » 週五 11月 20, 2009 5:00 pm

Dear Tim:

Since you had told me that you probably will hold a hiking this Sat. I don't dare to arrange any dating on this day. :D
Count me in, please.

文章: 352
註冊時間: 週六 9月 30, 2006 10:50 am

Re: 20091122, Hiking

文章paul » 週五 11月 20, 2009 8:11 pm

Dear Big Brother Tim;

I will fly to China next Monday, so I must work overtime in the office to prepare for the business trip this weekend. I want to go on the gathering this Sat., but I can't go hiking if I do so. If I go hiking I must give up the gathering. Gathering? Hiking?What should I do?

文章: 176
註冊時間: 週二 10月 28, 2008 6:43 pm

Re: 20091122, Hiking

文章Timothy W. Y. Cheng » 週五 11月 20, 2009 9:41 pm

Dear Paul,
Canceling the business trip would be wise.

An open heart practicing compassion in everyday life.
--- the Dalai Lama
Timothy W. Y. Cheng
文章: 132
註冊時間: 週六 4月 14, 2007 9:21 pm

Re: 20091122, Hiking

文章IrisChang » 週六 11月 21, 2009 1:53 am

Oh, it's a pity that I cannot join this outing!! > <
Wish you have a great gathering and hiking :P

I'll be there for you.
文章: 425
註冊時間: 週一 12月 24, 2007 1:44 am

Re: 20091122, Hiking (Full)

文章Fay Chang » 週六 11月 21, 2009 10:52 am

I LOVE hiking!
Hope I can feel better soon enough so that I can join you on Sunday!
Gotta defeat THE COLD!!!
"Dress cute wherever you go; life is too short to blend in."
--Paris Hilton
Fay Chang
文章: 3
註冊時間: 週六 11月 21, 2009 9:17 am

Re: 20091122, Hiking (Full)

文章ianchang » 週日 11月 22, 2009 10:26 pm

Hi all,

I had a good time today and I've uploaded photos to our club's picasa.
Enjoy them :D

文章: 98
註冊時間: 週三 10月 14, 2009 11:59 pm

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