
Teachers for writting English!

英文問題 (English Question)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

Teachers for writting English!

文章Chris Chen » 週二 10月 13, 2009 9:00 am

Hello my friends,

I'm desperately looking for a native speaker/English teacher to correct my English writting. Becaus I frequently use English in a Chinese way, I hope a writting class could help me to avoid such a problem gradually.

My idea is that I would prepare a piece of writting once or twice a week, and e-mail them to the teacher. The way to charge me may depend on the words I wrote, or any other way we both agreed. If anyone is interested in it, or you know anyone who might be interested, please tell me. Maybe we could discuss on MSN, or over the phone. ^^

-Chris Chen
Chris Chen
文章: 51
註冊時間: 週日 12月 16, 2007 12:04 pm

Re: Teachers for writting English!

文章chister » 週二 2月 09, 2010 5:55 pm

Dear Chris,

Have you found the English-speaking teacher to help you with your writing? If no, try this website http://www.taiwan-taipei.com/index.html, a communication platform for westerners in Taiwan looking for teaching jobs and exchanging info.If you've found one, please discard this reply.

Be aware that not all western English teachers listed there are native speakers, nor do they all have a degree in TESOL or TEFL. It depends on your needs and the context you wish to improve your writing. Say, for example, if your intent is to improve writing for academic purposes, then looking for a qualified native speaker armed with the right eduation background and experience would be your best bet. If you write for work, then native speakers with good years of work experience outweigh their academic quali. Or, if you just wish to improve your general writing skills, not really for work or for school, then any westerner would do as long as you like his or her writing style.

Having said that, you may also want to consider another factor--explanation of the writing problems. Often time you'll find a qualified proofreader or editor willing to revise your writing for a fee, but the fee usually doesn't encourage them to explain or point out in detail the reasons for the changes they make to your writing. All you will see is their corrections on your returned writing. Is this a factor to you? If yes, see if you can find native speakers who can either speak Chinese or support you more than just correcting your stuff.

No doubt, writing, especially guided writing, will boost your written communication skills.

Hoping this information helps. If not, let me know how I can better help.

文章: 10
註冊時間: 週四 12月 17, 2009 12:46 pm
來自: Taiwan

Re: Teachers for writting English!

文章Chris Chen » 週日 2月 21, 2010 5:28 pm

Hello Chister,

That's very kind of you. After the post had been ignored for months, I started thinking that I wouldn't have chances to see any reply. I just checked out the website you provided, it contained lots of information that I need some time to get to know it further. I think it's going to be very helpful to me, and I could start by joining their forum, or the chatroom.

Regarding the question of the English-speaking teacher I was looking for, I haven't found the teacher, but I found another website instead - http://lang-8.com/. This website was run by a Japanese company - lang-8 Inc., and intended to help westerners to learn Japenes when it started. Now it's a language exchange social networking website, it claims that there are native speakers from upto different 180 countries. Besides, I haven't found any other English-speaking teacher to help me.

I'm grateful that you pointed out a fact that many English-speaking teachers don't explain why they made those corrections(or it's not easy to explain to us, I think the reason is the culture difference). I met some native speakers before, often time I couldn't understand their explainations although I thought they were willing to help me. I'm not sure you also think it's possible, or it's really all about money(@@, how much do they expect!?), or do you recommend a Taiwanese English teacher?
Chris Chen
文章: 51
註冊時間: 週日 12月 16, 2007 12:04 pm

Re: Teachers for writting English!

文章Willie » 週日 2月 21, 2010 10:09 pm

Oh Jesus Christ!!!!!!!
I tried the website this morning and checked it out just shortly before.
I used one article in my blog. Because it was too long, i torn it into 3 parts. With my "Hello" posting, 4 articles were posted in a row. Hopefully, they would draw more attention. However, there are so many people posting journals. I just posted them this morning and my article was pushed back to about the 50th page.
I forget to mention that there are about 50 articles in a webpage,so it means 2500 articles were written on the website in about 10 hours.
It is crazy...
文章: 144
註冊時間: 週五 12月 29, 2006 6:43 pm

Re: Teachers for writting English!

文章Chris Chen » 週一 3月 01, 2010 9:15 am

Hi Willie,

This is really a bad news. I didn't know there are so many articles written in such a short time. It looks like people need to depend on their luck to have their journals corrected. Do you think it's possible, just as Dustin mentioned, that the more journals you help to correct, the more chances you would get to have your own articles viewed by other users? I was trying to find some hard evidence to support this idea, but unfortunately I didn't find any. I hope that I could report some findings soon.

-Chris Chen
Chris Chen
文章: 51
註冊時間: 週日 12月 16, 2007 12:04 pm

Re: Teachers for writting English!

文章chister » 週日 3月 14, 2010 1:10 pm

Hi Chris

Sorry didn't get back to you any time sooner than now. Took me a while to figure out the correct password to log in.

Anyway, do seek out local English pros if native speakers don't seem to work for you. Google it and see what you can come up with. Or, you could visit my website at http://EnglishLab.tw, where I wrote up nearly 100 articles covering topics on English writing knowlege, techniques and practices. See if they may help you with your writing, business or essay or both. You will also find posts demostrating business email and reports before and after revision.

If you'd like, I'll give you an editing demo. Send me something short, like a pargaraph, and I will proofread and edit it for you to see if it works for you. On top of that, I'd LOVE discussing with you over the questions you may have on your writing. And how are we going to appraoch your writing questions? Chatting over Over Skkype or MSN? We'll take one step further. We'll go over the writing issues via an online whiteboard so the discussion is real time and the effect is instantaneous.


文章: 10
註冊時間: 週四 12月 17, 2009 12:46 pm
來自: Taiwan

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