
HELP!!!!! How to translate a sentence...

英文問題 (English Question)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

文章euphorian » 週一 4月 03, 2006 11:53 am

Glotynn 寫:
euphorian 寫:Logically, I don't even see the connection between those two phrases.
Why not just treat them separately?

You don't? By writing "Once you are a believer of fate, your heart will be ready to accept anything", you have put those two phrases in close connection.

I did that just for the heck of it. Sometimes when I translate, I often do not think deeply. At the time, this discussion thread was only luke warm to say the least. And what exactly is two phrases separated only by two dots?
In the name of forum tranquillity, feel free to delete any of my post, sooner the better.
文章: 158
註冊時間: 週一 10月 31, 2005 11:51 am
來自: The Loneliest Planet

文章Glotynn » 週一 4月 03, 2006 2:29 pm

euphorian 寫:I did that just for the heck of it. Sometimes when I translate, I often do not think deeply. At the time, this discussion thread was only luke warm to say the least. And what exactly is two phrases separated only by two dots?

Haha, Euphorian, please take it easy. I believe evreybody has seen your good efforts made to this forum. Unlike other forums, this forum is about the language learning itself. All I have done was not to correct your mistake(s), but to help the learners with their questions.

The two-dots issue might have been either the original poster made a typo or he(she) might not know it required three dots to represent a hidden content. Perhaps as a learner, he(she) didn't even know the sentence was incomplete. The Western people use three pots to do that, but some Oriental people aren't aware of that. The Mandarin uses 6 dots instead. :)
文章: 57
註冊時間: 週五 3月 31, 2006 11:12 am

文章Happy Jan » 週一 4月 03, 2006 6:24 pm

Glotynn 寫: I believe evreybody has seen your good efforts made to this forum.

Identified :lol:
快樂英文讀書會 Happy English Club 為中高階的英文讀書會,定期在台北/桃園/新竹/台中/台南/高雄聚會.主要是由一群年輕上班族組成,快樂英文讀書會成員來自各行各業菁英,與會來賓必須具備英文會話能力,全程用英文輕鬆閒聊以及討論具有深度的議題各一個小時.歡迎蒞臨快樂英語讀書會.
Happy Jan
文章: 1516
註冊時間: 週五 10月 28, 2005 5:28 am
來自: 桃園市

Re: HELP!!!!!how to translate a sentence...

文章吳正宏 » 週一 4月 03, 2006 10:38 pm

Wayne 寫:
soya720407 寫:i want to translate a sentence

who can tell me....thx

When your heart is ready to accept anything in the future... I have become to believe fate more and more.

Chance is what I become aware of more and more whenever you get ready for everything you will accept.
Only if you care for your English will lots of enthusiastic helpers come to be your assistant.
文章: 1
註冊時間: 週四 3月 30, 2006 11:28 am

文章euphorian » 週三 4月 05, 2006 3:02 am

My humble artistic interpretation:

When your heart reaches the state of Zen,
My belief in fate approaches the scale of ten
In the name of forum tranquillity, feel free to delete any of my post, sooner the better.
文章: 158
註冊時間: 週一 10月 31, 2005 11:51 am
來自: The Loneliest Planet

revised version

文章Miller Wu » 週三 4月 05, 2006 6:58 am

When you are ready to accept everythong in the future, -----
I believe in "chance" more and more. :lol:
Nice to join in such a fun club that I have never ever thought of wanting to experience it in a hurry.
Miller Wu
文章: 3
註冊時間: 週三 3月 01, 2006 10:12 pm
來自: Tainan County

文章Glotynn » 週四 4月 06, 2006 4:47 pm

euphorian 寫:My humble artistic interpretation:

When your heart reaches the state of Zen,
My belief in fate approaches the scale of ten

Good piece!
文章: 57
註冊時間: 週五 3月 31, 2006 11:12 am


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