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Time:第 101 次例會,2010年10月30日(週六)下午2:30 ~5:30點
14:30~15:40 Introductions+Topic Discussion
15:40~15:45 Change Group+Break
15:45~16:50 Article Discussion
16:50~17:15 Host invite attendant to share feedback
17:15~17:30 Happy Time Conductor conduct Happy Time Session:
Host: Peter
Assistant Host:
Topic Discussion:
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
Source: http://www.ted.com/talks/steven_johnson_where_good_ideas_come_from.html
(Please open "Interactive Transcript")
Questions for Discussion:
1. Learning English from TED talks is strongly recommended by many in this club. Have you ever watched a TED talk before? What are your impressions of the TED talk? Did you know you can watch the talk with subtitles and/or follow along with the transcript? What is TED?
2. What do 「eureka!」 and 「lightbulb moments」 mean? What are their origins? Where do your good ideas often come from?
3. The speaker Steven Johnson argues that an idea is not a single thing, but a network on the most elemental level. What does he mean? Do you agree with him? Please elaborate your reasoning.
4. What is the 「liquid network」 defined by the speaker? Why does this environment leads to innovation? How do you create such environments? Do you think HEA is a 「liquid network」?
5. We often talk about the value of protecting intellectual property, but the speaker suggests that we should spend at least as much time valuing the premise of connecting ideas. As far as innovation is concerned, do you agree with the speaker? Why or why not?
6. There are several stories about innovation in this talk, such as the first coffeehouse in England, the neonatal incubator built out of auto parts, and the invention of GPS. Which one is the most inspiring to you? Do you have any other inspiring innovation stories?
台中,每週六 (2008年7月起)
Taichung, every Saturday
from July, 2008