
20060501,KTV--Picture, Feedback

讀書會外活動 (Club Outing)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

20060501,KTV--Picture, Feedback

文章Cathy » 週六 4月 29, 2006 11:39 pm

Dear All,

As our announcement, we will have KTV gathering on 5/1.

Time: 14:00 ~ 17:00.
Fee : NTD 299 ( excluding cleaning fee).
Location: 中華road Cash-Box ( the old one, near the gate 6).
Sign up: We need you to sign your name when you attand the party on that day.
*Please pay the money NTD 350 in advance,and we will give back the money ( NTD 350 minus the actual fee) if the actual fee is lower than NTD 350 eventually.
*Please prepare your favorite songs and share with us.
*If you don't want to sing songs, welcome to dance with us or chat with other members in the gathering. ( Just take it easy and have fun with us).
*Enjoy the coming KTV gathering. That will be very hot and very interesting.
The work-team in charge of this activity will be : me, Annie, and Tom.
You can contact us if you have any furthermore questions.
Remember to show up there on time. See you soon. ^ ^ ....
Do what is right and be contented. Keep the mind pure and undefiled. Remain calm and serene always.
文章: 84
註冊時間: 週日 11月 06, 2005 11:54 pm

文章Happy Jan » 週日 4月 30, 2006 12:19 am

1. Please sign up on the forum here.
2. Please order the name of the song on the forum here in case many people join the KTV and you don't have enough time to sing all you wanna sing.

Take me for example, I'd like to sign up here. However, I have to work then. It's a pity.
I'd like to order the song "雪中紅"

best regards,
快樂英文讀書會 Happy English Club 為中高階的英文讀書會,定期在台北/桃園/新竹/台中/台南/高雄聚會.主要是由一群年輕上班族組成,快樂英文讀書會成員來自各行各業菁英,與會來賓必須具備英文會話能力,全程用英文輕鬆閒聊以及討論具有深度的議題各一個小時.歡迎蒞臨快樂英語讀書會.
Happy Jan
文章: 1516
註冊時間: 週五 10月 28, 2005 5:28 am
來自: 桃園市

文章Cathy » 週一 5月 01, 2006 6:45 pm

Happy 寫:I'd like to order the song "雪中紅"

best regards,

Happy, we enjoyed your song " snow in red".....everyone has a good time today. :roll:
Do what is right and be contented. Keep the mind pure and undefiled. Remain calm and serene always.
文章: 84
註冊時間: 週日 11月 06, 2005 11:54 pm

文章Happy Jan » 週四 5月 04, 2006 2:22 am

最後由 Happy Jan 於 週五 5月 05, 2006 11:04 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 3 次。
快樂英文讀書會 Happy English Club 為中高階的英文讀書會,定期在台北/桃園/新竹/台中/台南/高雄聚會.主要是由一群年輕上班族組成,快樂英文讀書會成員來自各行各業菁英,與會來賓必須具備英文會話能力,全程用英文輕鬆閒聊以及討論具有深度的議題各一個小時.歡迎蒞臨快樂英語讀書會.
Happy Jan
文章: 1516
註冊時間: 週五 10月 28, 2005 5:28 am
來自: 桃園市

文章Cathy » 週四 5月 04, 2006 3:38 pm

We had a lot of fun on that day.
I am so shocked by James' Japanese songs.
We also enjoyed Rap music and taiwan tranditional songs from Happy.
Join us when next KTV gathering coming. :roll:
Do what is right and be contented. Keep the mind pure and undefiled. Remain calm and serene always.
文章: 84
註冊時間: 週日 11月 06, 2005 11:54 pm

文章James Jiang » 週日 5月 07, 2006 11:24 pm

Hi Cathy :
Thanks for you holding this ktv gathering.
If possible, I always attend the HEC activity.
Not only I like make friends but also for fun in my life.
At that night ,we came from different profession in society.
We could join and play together,that was a wonderful experience.
Specially ,all of us sing a rap song let people be excited and activated.
May be I need learn from you side some day.
Thanks James Jiang
James Jiang
文章: 32
註冊時間: 週二 12月 06, 2005 12:09 pm

文章Cathy » 週一 5月 08, 2006 9:38 am

James Jiang 寫:Hi Cathy :
Specially ,all of us sing a rap song let people be excited and activated.
May be I need learn from you side some day.
Thanks James Jiang

Hi, James

I like your learning attitude so much. Another James, Happy and I admire your positive attitude so much. I hope I can learn from you as well.
Your Japanese songs are so good.....Yes, as you said, I like rap-music it really can activate our interaction. ( However, I am afraid of I'm not lady-like when I sing those songs....casue I hope I can bring much fun to all of you.... :oops: )
I hope I can see you guys next time.

Cathy ~~ ''
Do what is right and be contented. Keep the mind pure and undefiled. Remain calm and serene always.
文章: 84
註冊時間: 週日 11月 06, 2005 11:54 pm

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