
20120128, Minutes, Taoyuan

聚會記錄 (Minutes)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

20120128, Minutes, Taoyuan

文章Melissa19 » 週二 1月 31, 2012 10:42 pm

Dear All you Guys. Happy New Year to You

I anticipated Today's gathering will be only few people can come; So I prepared 4 sets of casino games for free-given to those show-up person encouragingly.Unfortunately, It just as my expectation saddly. Therefore, I keep it till next year, If there Taoyuan Branch still existed. (no one appeared today till 3:10 p.m.) By the time I'm waiting, I sat alongside the window of 4th floor Kentucky Fried Chicken Building.

A chaotic and colorful shop signs through into my keen eyes. It's a good chance for me to check my eye's sighting ability I think. All at once, 300yds outs. A motel and Sichuan spicy restaurant.

Wow, over there have 6 differents Pubs poster in one building, and Holidy KTV.

A MTV at opposite about 200yds to me. All of a sudden, A 10-floor height new building covered with scaffold into my eyes, I dunbstruck really,

We never noticed it since before. Roughly It looks like Thailand Buddhistic Temple, decorated with dozens of columns surroundingly, What a glory structure. Then, A chiropractic treatment house,( Yes, maybe I need it few years later, marked down.). Famours Tea and Coffee shop nearly 100yds only. Wow! No.85 division of Optical shop at diagonal of the street, what a good business It was. Luckily I have no near-sighted but presbyopia bother me a lot of times. Curiously enough, I can see clearly within 300yds long but blurry feeling in one foot when reading. And now a big poster just in the front of my eyebrows.

The Well-known Shinwoo University has their cosmetic and hairdressing dept. depicted on ad board, A good vocational system I think, Because they have 5 saloons for probationing just around here I can see. OK, stop here. By next time, find out those spots I described.

Post for Barry Hsu
文章: 77
註冊時間: 週四 4月 09, 2009 7:54 pm

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