Early Bird*X: N/A
ppl*2: Ellen Tsai, Happy Chan
Girl*1: Ellen Tsai
Boy*1: Happy Chan
Car: N/A
Date: 20121104
Raining-Backup Indoor Activity: N/A
Outing Activities: 鶯歌陶瓷博物館, 鶯歌老街
Deadline: N/A
Down Payment: N/A
Outing Conductor Bank Account: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Note: We will gather at 鶯歌火車站前站出口 at 10:00 AM. After visiting the Ceramics Museum, we will eat lunch at 鶯歌老街. If you want to join us, please register to this announcement.
Reference Link: http://www.ceramics.tpc.gov.tw/Index.ycm
Insurance: N/A