20140524, Minutes, by Jane Cheng
Minutes on 24/5 gathering: Cocooning: It’s back and thanks to tech, it’s bigger
It’s a high attendance the day. Thank you, guys, to let us know more about your childhood and your dream of a house!
Cocooning is an act of insulating or hiding oneself from the main environment as we know. Although we all agree it has become an unstoppable trend with more and more advanced technologies, none of us think it will make us stay home more or consider working at home in the future. We see these technologies as tools to help us be happier in life and efficient at work.
We like to feel what other people feel when watching a movie so we go to a movie theater even though we may have a well-equipped media room at home. We still feel safe in Taiwan although the tragedy of 5/21 Taipei MRT killing occurred. We see it as one occurrence which aroused us to pay more attention to those socializing less and unhappy cocooners. Generally speaking, we don’t think that super cocooning will become a trend in Taiwan for the coming future because of our small dwelling space, convenient transportation and 7-11 busy urban lifestyle.
Most of us grew up in a country and had a happy childhood, which I believe, is very important for one to develop a healthy personality. Thanks to our parents, who encouraged us to study harder to achieve in our professional job. I’m also sorry for John to hear of his father’s way of discipline: beating his children almost every day. No wonder John has been very against physical punishment on talking about education!
Everybody has a dream home or house. Some dream to live in a house where they can watch sunrise and sunset; some see living together with their loved ones can make a simple house as a dream home. As for me, I’m going to build a dream house in Australia and make it our home with my husband, my kids and even my grandchildren of the future. However, no matter what it will be, Taiwan will be my eternal home in my heart!
Jane Cheng