
20160910, Article, Taichung

讀書會每週英文討論文章 (Weekly English Articles)

版主: larry168, stockmovie, Ellen Tsai, GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, Harrywang, kevinliu, Happy Jan, Tigervip9999, lisa0213, AmyLu1114, ianxue, ericwon, Winniehsuehh, JasonFang23, Petite, no1wei, Denise Kuo, evainnuk, sukaxon, Celine, Jasmine0316, David Tsai, cherry2323, janiej, DavidCH, RichardYeh, piscesvicky, Kevin01, MandyPan

20160910, Article, Taichung

文章Jasmine0316 » 週二 9月 06, 2016 10:37 pm

網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論

歡迎加入Taichung Happy English Club粉絲團


Time:第 363會,2016年9月 10日(週六)下午2:30~5:30

14:30~15:30 Session One
15:30~15:50 Speech Session
15:50~16:00 Change Group and then Break Time
16:00~17:15 Session Two
17:15~17:30 Happy Time

Host: Vicki
Assistant Host:

Here’s What It’s Really Like Behind the Scenes at the Olympic Training Camp

http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/ ... ning-camp/

Please Note:
Venue:台中市南屯區 大業路182號 Mos Burger二樓
Thanks a lot for your attention.


1. Did you watch 2016 Rio Olympic Games? Which sport is your favorite to watch? Why?

2. If you have a chance, would you like to be trained to be an athlete? What kind of athletes would you like to be?

3. What kind of traits do you think athletes definitely acquire? What can we learn from them?

4. Every job has its difficult part. What is the most difficult part of your job?

5. As things become routines, they won't be that interesting. How to keep the passion for our job?

週六晚餐(Saturday Dinner)
戶外活動(Club Outing)
所有行程(All Schedule)
文章: 1028
註冊時間: 週一 6月 07, 2010 1:56 pm

Re: 20160910, Article, Taichung

文章Jasmine0316 » 週四 9月 08, 2016 9:07 pm

Dear Taichung Happiers,

Sports heroes, super heroes. (Mean tweets, displeasing heat.)

Have you found your name in The Olympic Games? Holding international sport events is quite rewarding for city-marketing and tourism--every Olympics casts a magic spell on the hosting city--Rio 2016 Olympics is a prime example. Strikingly, our big bro Rio Shih summarized “Rio 2016 Olympics” as why Taichung Happiers missed him. So, what do sports mean to you? Come join our host Vicki in catching on to why the challenges of Olympics campaigns are so considerably thought-provoking.

Due to the changes of society and family structures, sports have made a more enlightened impact on our cultivation of virtues—the virtues of hard work, faith, courage, and accountability—sports instruct the best version of everyone. Pulitzer Prize winner George F. Will therefore referred to it as “Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence.” Yes. What can the 2016 Olympics excite the Taiwanese more than this Golden Medal?
http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/09/sport/taiwan-weightlifter-gold-rio-olympics/ Hey, what is the root of this excellence? Examined by Dr. Michael J. Joyner, a physician-researcher and leading expert on human performance and exercise physiology, the 5 crucial factors that record-breaking performances depend on are physiology, technique, technology, sociology, and psychology. http://time.com/4452470/rio-olympics-5-factors-breaking-records/

When will Ninja Competition be added to the Olympics? Oh là là! We love watching them play, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Llb2lQVjU Among the famous 5 S’s of sports training: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit, spirit is proved to be the greatest. Richard Attias, founder of Doha GOALS Forum which values sport as a social change agent, acutely asserted that “Sport is one of the few spaces where people can learn about different cultures in a spirit of trust and friendship.” In sporting spaces, when the reality kicks in, when kindness is obliviously kidnapped by fears, when the trust and friendship between opponents unbelievably arise, what reveals singularity and humanity? Based on a true story, the film RACE has more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho9KA_JF0sE

The movement of sports players is the most mind-blowing music; their thought is an invisible instrument. With sweat, tears, and blood, what do they practice for??? For not betraying their talents; for the by-product of their exceptional endeavor letting us see the impossible happen; for the spirit of sportsmanship consequently inspiring people who grow a heart of steel later on. Oh, yet, no worries for non-athletes. They equally only have the energy that they give themselves; therefore, let the magic begin and we’ll benefit both tangibly and intangibly. http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/04/how-neuroscientists-explain-the-mind-clearing-magic-of-running.html

“Come Skating” (by Shel Silverstein)

They said come skating;
They said it's so nice.
They said come skating;
I'd done it twice.
They said come skating;
It sounded nice….
I wore roller-
They meant ice.

Becoming the first American woman to win three gold medals in track and field at a single Olympics in 1960, Wilma Rudolph (June 23, 1940 – November 12, 1994) manifested her genuine modesty. “Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” Yes!!! Whatever (sport) moves you, be unstoppable!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5Ag7dCUnGc Join us. Thanks.


With Gratitude,
文章: 1028
註冊時間: 週一 6月 07, 2010 1:56 pm

Re: 20160910, Article, Taichung

文章Kevin01 » 週五 11月 04, 2016 8:09 am

20160910, Gathering, Taichung
文章: 351
註冊時間: 週三 8月 11, 2010 10:45 pm

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