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由 Jasmine0316 » 週五 5月 15, 2020 2:11 am
Dear Taichung Happiers,
The price tag never discriminates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad_higXixRACan shopping be the new religion? While hearing the stirring of life, what small offerings of pleasure provided by everyday life do you certainly pick up? Is a shopping-and-eating trip always the solution for you, no matter what the problem might be? We are doubtlessly never lonely when we are along with shopping. How do you leverage the profit and pleasure of buying/collecting things? Do you regard it the art education itself seeing your collection every day—seeing it in different lights? Shopping. It holds different meanings for each of us. For some, it’s simply an adventure. (Did someone just wink?) For others, they want to be carried by a force. (Another wink.) Yet, for most of us, growing up, we become more fond of stuff. Particular things, such as a picture book, a piece of furniture, a photograph, a painting, ….. These things make past more permanent. Things we trust--they tell important stories. (Continuous winking…) It pours praise directly into our hearts as we run our hands along them. The sense of pleasure and delight is a blessing. Does it mean it’s no use explaining what all the shopping bliss is about, and it's better you shop more for yourself? The expectation written on our faces, and this topic invites our imagination into the incredible enchantment of shopping. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to join our host Kevin Huang in sharing the shopping experiences that surprise you, suspect you, or stretch your understanding of today’s most sophiscated business issues.
What is the greatest human miracle, Mozart or Amazon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrwQ-guwvfs It is our unshakeable belief that shopping and internet are magic words to us: they can make the whole of the well-known world disappear. Speaking of shopping, a different face emerges immediately— our eyes shine and our hearts smile silently—as if a feeling of safety and clarity washed over us as delicious as chocolate ice cream. In particular, times of happiness or stress always bring out the Shopping-Genie in us. By some quiet understanding, we swear that those items on the shelves keep looking up at us and winking… All at once, I am wondering, what do you usually shop while traveling? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQX-Dptcto When shoppers are no strangers to the latest technology, the world is getting louder—too loud. When we journey deep into the virtual world, the internet standard is not our real standard. When people choose the internet standard over the real life standard, they probably don’t really love the internet standard more. It could be just easier for people to love the internet standard than to pursuit their passion and love for real life. Meanwhile, the question of why online shopping can intoxicate us might have inspired researchers for years. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.10 ... 64027-3_11 Online shopping, inevitably, it is consuming, demanding our time, energy, and attention. Electronically drunk. It passes through us too quickly and without pausing. However, it twists through the tangle of our thoughts, if only book shopping makes its power doubled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elXu9TuH4GITo buy or not to buy? “I could give up shopping, but I am not a quitter.” Lifestyle is more a consequence of our choice rather than our competences. What is the shape of your own personal world? A lifestyle offers not only some splendid experiences, but a chance to encounter an intriguing intermingling of cultures. So, what lifestyle are you fond of, and believe it to be trustworthy? What makes you feel like to hide yourself away inside this lifestyle? Despite we allow memories to invest our stuff with great importance, a steady stream of passion has been channeled into the admittedly pleasant peace of Minimalism. Either you embrace it or not, what kind of lifestyle habits can help save considerable expense and inconvenience? http://read.bi/2iGPCQ9 And, we also find another otherworldly one--the happiest Hygge. We know we've entered a different world as soon as we realize how wonderful it is to love something without the compromise of language. Hygge. Take a guess, what would people shop for it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl74ybpyNLk Not every choice has a twin bro of logic; a lot have the gut. What our gut is telling us is, to buy or not to buy, all we need is a purpose and a direction. For example, when art works its magic on the beholder… When art binds us together in a web of human affection… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZf5fbgoaWQFind a wall between the expectation and reality for shopping. “If men liked shopping, they'd call it research.” If we can’t accept anything as shopping is presented to us, we have to question the nature of it. What are the best shopping experiences like? Are they pure escapes from reality? Will it go double for shopping scenarios set in Paris? Is where our money going making us happy? We can’t buy a happy life; yet, can we buy some time to be happier? https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017 ... 1706541114 Have you ever been suddenly quite tired of the mythology you have manufactured for the shopping life? Sometimes we shop just because we cannot release the emptiness in our stomach that stands for stress from life or work. Seeing some light shed upon a possible way out is like seeing what marks the start of the winter awards season. To buy or not to buy? Our personal standard would give us a slow nod occasionally, without saying what it’s thinking. Not necessary, probably. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJdHdHonDUM Now, what twists through the tangle of our thoughts? To buy or not to buy? Of course, we want a gorgeous thing, anytime, anywhere. But, not a dress or a pair of shoes. A life. A gorgeous life. Above all, things with simple, short, right answers are antidotes to human existence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsQ7ysVt-0A[b] “Materialism”[/b] (by Dave Ramsey)
buying things we don’t need
with money we don’t have
to impress people that don’t matter.
If time would be shaped and reshaped… We’ll be surprised what small, everyday things can lift us out of hopelessness. But nobody can do it for us. We have to watch for the open door. We shop everywhere in the world. Even the virtual world. We see and shop everything we need (not) to see for a lifetime. Every emotion. Every position. Every fashion. Every distinction. It feels like we have no better options than learning how to select more sensibly. There are no bad days, when we shop and sparkle like a firework. As soon as we taste the pleasure and delight of shopping, spark after spark, we think there’s magic in it. Moreover, the Shopping-Genie has an elegant figure and a “Don’t worry—everyone owes their Mom a call of explanation” expression, which supports everything from satisfaction to irritation. It’s perfectly clear to us that people can shop and shop and still not to be sinners. Something about people shopping till drop might not have to turn any others into virtue cops. It’s absolutely the high time to return the shops’ smiles. Join us. Thanks!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XljqCIa6vQIWith Gratitude,
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