
20070414, Article, Voice, Picture, Feedback

讀書會每週英文討論文章 (Weekly English Articles)

版主: larry168, stockmovie, Ellen Tsai, GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, Harrywang, kevinliu, Happy Jan, Tigervip9999, lisa0213, AmyLu1114, ianxue, ericwon, Winniehsuehh, JasonFang23, Petite, no1wei, Denise Kuo, evainnuk, sukaxon, Celine, Jasmine0316, David Tsai, cherry2323, janiej, DavidCH, RichardYeh, piscesvicky, Kevin01, MandyPan

20070414, Article, Voice, Picture, Feedback

文章Murphy Yang » 週三 1月 10, 2007 7:36 pm

Happy English Club 電子報 本報由EVP Team編審
網站 http://www.happyforum.org/ 歡迎超連結並轉寄網址
論壇 http://www.happyforum.org/happy/ 歡迎至論壇討論


14:30~15:30 (Free Talks)
15:30~16:00(Speaker Session)
16:00~17:15 (Topic Discussion)
17:15~17:30 (Happy Time)

Host: Murphy Yang
Assistant Host:Nathen Jeang

Topic:General Sun Li Jen 孫立人將軍

The late General Sun Li Jen (1900-1990) was one of the most beloved figures in recent Chinese history. All Chinese worldwide unlimited by political lines dearly love and respect him because he made them proud and felt lives worth living. At a time Chinese were humiliated and massacred by invading Japanese forces within China, the New 38th Division and later his New First Army led by him defeated the malicious Japanese troops. Chinese everywhere called him the Ever Victorious General.

Love and respect for him are not limited to Chinese. Many Americans and Englishmen that had contact with or knew of him or his troops admired him. Many top military leaders are his friends, and they highly regard him. He is indeed an International General.

The men and women led by General Sun also won an unprecedented international reputation when they professionally executed their duties in Burma and India, fighting along side with the allies including the Flying Tigers from the United States of America and Ground troops of the United Kingdom.

During 1949 to 1955 as the Commander in Chief of the Army, he and his trained Army on Taiwan stabilized the Island giving it the potential for social, economical, educational, and industrial growth. Unfortunately, he success was seen as a potential threat to political power, and the incompetent leaders trump up cases to isolate him from any contact with any people in the world except very immediate family members. Many of his innocent subordinates were wrongfully jailed. Mentioning his name and their success were prohibited by the Chiang's regime. What a loss for the Chinese people! Great talents were restrained from serving and leading the public. His success has been very well known and documented, but his falling victim is controversial. Events leading to his isolation have been subjects of debate for decades.

I avoid calling him a hero, because I felt that politicians often (mis)use hero to model desirable behavior of their people. However, he is a fascinating man, and there is a lot to learn from him.

Many people consider knowing him a privilege, and what a special privilege for me to be his adopted son! I was an insignificant kid-soldier in a Chinese army with no relatives of any sort before I knew him. His love and support has brought some meaning into my life. I have spent time with him during his difficult days, but I am unaware of his success and his legacy when he was young. I have searched and am still searching for bits and pieces of his life during the period I have no knowledge of him.

I will share his stories with you as I find them. It's not possible to portray him as he actually was, but I am trying to be as truthful as I can in my sharing.

The contents show the subjects that I will write about, but so far, I have written little. Please click the links to read about him and visit here again in the future as more to be added in my spare time.

Comments, suggestions, and supports are welcome by E-mail to cchieh@uwaterloo.ca (Chieh Chung 揭鈞,加拿大滑鐵盧大學教授)

How do you feel about General Sun Li Jen(孫立人將軍), Victor-Always General after reading the article?

What kinds of people in the historical books do you respect? What kind of great man(偉人) do you want to be? Why?

How many autobiographies have you ever read? Please share them with us!

Who is the best general(Sun Li Jen孫立人,岳飛,孫子,韓信,關羽,楊家將, MacArthur麥克阿瑟, Napoleon拿破崙, Rommel隆美爾…) in human history in your opinion ? Why?

If you were the general in Taiwan, what would you do for our country?

Please find out your hero or idol by yourself together!

:lol: :lol: 例會須知 :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: 請將社團網站,加入我的最愛 :lol: :lol:

台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005



高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007


最後由 Murphy Yang 於 週六 4月 14, 2007 7:29 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 4 次。
Be Happy,Happier,Happiest in English Happily with Happiness
Nothing is Everything;Everything is Nothing!
Murphy Yang
文章: 421
註冊時間: 週六 5月 20, 2006 9:23 am
來自: Murphy Yang


文章Murphy Yang » 週日 4月 08, 2007 1:21 pm

最後由 Murphy Yang 於 週一 4月 09, 2007 6:42 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
Be Happy,Happier,Happiest in English Happily with Happiness
Nothing is Everything;Everything is Nothing!
Murphy Yang
文章: 421
註冊時間: 週六 5月 20, 2006 9:23 am
來自: Murphy Yang

Chieh Chung 揭鈞

文章Murphy Yang » 週日 4月 08, 2007 2:18 pm

Two letters from General Sun Li Jen's foster son,Chieh Chung 揭鈞,加拿大滑鐵盧大學教授:

Thank you very much Murphy,

for letting me know about this. I will visit your website and write to you
later. If I could do anything, please let me know.


[:) - = - = - {:)
Chung Chieh (nickname Peter), Professor Emeritus
Chemistry Department, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON Canada N2L 3G1
Office: DC 3618
Please give a clear phrase in the Subject, so I won't miss your e-mail.

Dear Mr. Yang,

I appreciate it very much that you notified me about your discussion.
I have visited your website, and noticed some excellent questions you have
raised. I hope I could be there to listen without letting your member knew
of my presence, but I just cannot make such a trip at this time.

In this reply, I am sending a copy to a number of people that I have
contacted over the years. These people were concerned about the history
and personalities. I guess they want to join you too if they had a
chance. Some of these people are in Taiwan, but most are spread over the

May your discussion be interesting and may all your participants enjoyed
the event.


Professor emeritus,
Department of Chemistry
University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, ON Canada, N2L 3G1
Be Happy,Happier,Happiest in English Happily with Happiness
Nothing is Everything;Everything is Nothing!
Murphy Yang
文章: 421
註冊時間: 週六 5月 20, 2006 9:23 am
來自: Murphy Yang

Season In The Sun

文章Murphy Yang » 週一 4月 09, 2007 6:51 am

Murphy will play this song on 4/14.

Season In The Sun  Westlife


Goodbye to you, my trusted friend,
we've known each other since we were nine or ten;
together we've climbed hills and trees,
learned of love and A-B-C`s,
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.

Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
pretty girls are every where;
think of me and I'll be there.

We had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.

Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me,
I was the black sheep of the family;
you tried to teach me right from wrong,
too much wine and too much song,
wonder how I got along.

Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
little children every where,
when you'll see them, I'll be there.

We had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the wild and the song,
like the season has all gone

Goodbye, Michelle, my little one,
you gave me love and helped me find the sun;
and every time that I was down,
you would always come around
and get my feet back on the ground.

Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
with the flowers every where
I wish that we could both be there.

All our lives we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
But the stars we could reach
were just starfish on the beach
Be Happy,Happier,Happiest in English Happily with Happiness
Nothing is Everything;Everything is Nothing!
Murphy Yang
文章: 421
註冊時間: 週六 5月 20, 2006 9:23 am
來自: Murphy Yang

0414 audio

文章jerry2508 » 週五 4月 13, 2007 1:33 am

HI, ALL. :o



http://blog.xuite.net/jerry25084266/pla ... bid=170254

http://blog.xuite.net/jerry25084266/pla ... bid=170254
最後由 jerry2508 於 週四 5月 10, 2007 12:51 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
文章: 99
註冊時間: 週五 8月 25, 2006 11:19 am

Re: 0104 audio

文章Happy Jan » 週日 4月 15, 2007 12:38 pm


http://blog.xuite.net/jerry25084266/pla ... bid=170254

Dear All, :lol:

Thanks for Jerry's outstanding dedication to enrich our club. His audio record is so wonderful. Let's show our highest appreciation to this hero behind the scene.

Best Regards,
Happy Chan
快樂英文讀書會 Happy English Club 為中高階的英文讀書會,定期在台北/桃園/新竹/台中/台南/高雄聚會.主要是由一群年輕上班族組成,快樂英文讀書會成員來自各行各業菁英,與會來賓必須具備英文會話能力,全程用英文輕鬆閒聊以及討論具有深度的議題各一個小時.歡迎蒞臨快樂英語讀書會.
Happy Jan
文章: 1516
註冊時間: 週五 10月 28, 2005 5:28 am
來自: 桃園市

文章Jammy » 週一 4月 16, 2007 1:17 am

20070414, Speaker--Mindy Su and Iris Chen



20070414, Gathering




文章: 82
註冊時間: 週日 4月 02, 2006 11:43 pm

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