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14:30~15:30 (Free Talks)
15:30~16:00(Speaker Session)
16:00~17:15 (Topic Discussion)
17:15~17:30 (Happy Time)
Host:Nathen Jeang
Assistant Host:Bess Chung
Topic: Zodiac Signs
Hello, Everyone!
This is Nathan, your host of this week. If it is not too much trouble, I would like to invite you to read the first couple sentences before you hit this article.
If you already read this article last week, you can see I made some changes. First of all, the gathering in Kaohsiung will use their own article, therefore this article will be discussed just in Taipei. As what I mentioned before, the most important thing is not just about a good article but also about the people, you all, in it. Thus I reverse the proportions of article and questions. We can save some time from reading this article and talk more. The topic for this week is "Zodiac Signs," (星座) also known as "Star Signs.” I think this is an easy topic because the extension of the discussion on "Zodiac Signs" will mostly relate to human characters. As the way I see, it's chatting. In the following questions, I type in some key words that might be helpful to your conversations. When you come in on 4/28, don't waste your time on reading the article. Just start chatting and make more friends!
1. After you introduce yourself to the other friends on your table, don't forget to tell them your zodiac signs. The following is a paragraph followed by a table from wikipedia about zodiac signs. With this table, ask your friends what their zodiac signs are. Also, every sign has a Latin name corresponding to English one. For those who ever studied zodiac signs and astrology before, it’s your show time! Tell your friends something they don't know about zodiac signs and astrology.
Classical zodiac
Babylonian astronomers at some point during the 1st millennium BC divided the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude to create the first known celestial coordinate system: a coordinate system that boasts some advantages over modern systems (such as equatorial coordinate system or ecliptic coordinate system). The zodiac is also understood as a region of the celestial sphere that includes a band of eight arc degrees above and below the ecliptic, and therefore encompasses the paths of the Moon and the naked eye planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). The classical astronomers called these planets wandering stars to differentiate them from the fixed stars of the celestial sphere (Ptolemy).
Strictly speaking, the eventual culmination of the classical zodiac includes signs (also constellations) that are not all represented by animals (e.g., Libra, Virgo, Gemini). However, the term probably derives from earlier conceptions of the constellations along the ecliptic as sculpted animals. As with the Chinese zodiac, Indo-European astrologers understand the movement of the planets and the Sun through the zodiac as a method to explain and predict events on Earth.
The modern western astrological signs are simplifications of conventional pictorial representations of the signs, used since Hellenistic times. The characters are encoded in unicode at positions U+2648 to U+2653 (hexadecimal numbers): Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The glyph representation of these characters will depend on the font in which they are displayed.
2. Every sign also indicates that the person with it has some certain traits. The following words are the vocabulary about human characters. They are mostly adjectives. This question is an extension of last one. Enjoy!
Words considered “POSITIVE” words
adaptable 適應力強 intellectual 理智的
adventurous 愛冒險的 intelligent 聰明的
ambitious 有雄心的 inventive 有發明才能的
analytical 善於分析的 jovial 快活的
broad-minded 心胸開闊的 kind 親切的
careful 小心的 lively 活潑的
cautious 謹慎的 loyal 忠實
charming 有魅力的 meticulous 小心翼翼的
communicative 健談的 modest 謙虛的
compassionate 富有同情心的 optimistic 樂觀的
confident 自信的 original 有獨創性的
courageous 勇敢的 passionate 熱情的
creative 有創造性的 patient 耐心的
determined 有決心的 persistent 堅持不懈的
diligent 勤勉的 philosophical 達觀的
disciplined 自律的 placid 沉著的
dynamic 有活力的 practical 講求實際的
easygoing 隨和的 protective 對人關切保護的
eloquent 雄辯的 prudent 謹慎的
energetic 充滿活力的 quick-witted 機敏的
enthusiastic 熱心的 reliable 可靠的
exciting 令人興奮的 reserved 含蓄的
expansive 豪爽的 selfless 無私的
faithful 忠實的 sensitive 敏感的
forceful 堅強的 shrewd 機靈的
freedom-loving 愛好自由的 shy 怕羞的
friendly 友善的 sociable 擅長交際的
generous 慷慨的 straightforward 率直的
good-humored 脾氣好的 sympathetic 有同情心的
honest 誠實的 unworldly 超脫的
humanitarian 博愛的 versatile 多用途
humorous 幽默的 warmhearted 熱心的
idealistic 理想的 witty 機智的
imaginative 想像力豐富的 youthful 朝氣蓬勃的
independent 自立的
Words considered “NEGATIVE” words
blindly optimistic 盲目樂觀的 intractable 倔強的
bossy 專橫的 irresponsible 無責任感的
careless 粗心的 jealous 妒忌的
changeable 善變的 moody 喜怒無常的
clinging 過於執著的 nervous 神經質的
conservative 守舊的 obstinate 頑固的
contrary 乖戾的 overcritical 吹毛求疵的
cunning 狡猾的 overemotional 過於情緒化
daredevil 膽大妄為的 perfectionist 完美主義者
dogmatic 武斷的 pessimistic 悲觀的
easily influenced 易受影響的 pompous 愛炫耀的
easily led 沒有主見的 possessive 佔有欲強的
escapist 逃避現實的 quick-tempered 易發怒的
foolhardy 有勇無謀的 restless 煩躁的
fussy 挑剔的 secretive 不坦率的
greedy 貪婪的 self-indulgent 自我放縱的
gullible 易受騙的 selfish 自私的
idealistic 理想化的 stingy 小氣的
impatient 沒耐心的 tactless 笨拙的
impulsive 衝動的 tense 緊張的
inconsistent 反覆無常的 touchy 易怒的
Indecisive 優柔寡斷的 unable to let go 放不開
inquisitive 愛打聽(八卦等)的 unemotional 缺乏感情的
interfering 管閒事的 vague 含糊曖昧的
intolerant 沒有包容心的 weak-willed 意志薄弱的
3. Do you believe in astrology or the other similar fortune telling methods such as Tarot cards, palm reading etc.? If you do, why? And why not if you don't.
4. Since we are in Asia, you just cannot pass this: "The 12 Zodiac Animals." Check the following list and introduce your own zodiac animal.
鼠 Rat
牛 Ox
虎 Tiger
兔 Rabbit
龍 Dragon
蛇 Snake
馬 Horse
羊 Sheep
猴 Monkey
雞 Rooster
狗 Dog
豬 Pig
By the way, I heard someone said "This is the Chinese Pig Year," and it's weird. The better way to say it is "The Year of Pig."
5. The Zodiac is something you can use for icebreaking. If you meet a good-looking boy/girl, what will you say as icebreakers?
台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005
高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007