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Time:第136次例會,2007年12月22日(週六)請注意:當天下午兩點半取消明星咖啡館的例會!將盛大舉行聖誕化妝舞會喔!下午17:30 ~22:00
Imperial Hotel 華國大飯店
Host: Bess Chung
Assistant Host:
Topic: I will follow him
Source: http://www.stlyrics.com/songs/s/sistera ... 20851.html
I will follow Him
Follow Him wherever He may go,
And near Him, I always will be
For nothing can keep me away,
He is my destiny.
I will follow Him,
Ever since He touched my heart I knew,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love.
I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,
And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow.
he'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
from now until forever, forever, forever
I will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love...
We will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep us away, away from His love...
I love Him
(Oh yes I love Him)
I'll follow
(I'm gonna follow)
True love
(He'll always be my true, true love)
(Now until forever)
I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,
And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow,
He'll always be my true love,
My true love, my true love,
From now until forever,
Forever, forever...
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love
1.Is there anyone in your life you wish to follow forever?
2.Do you want to be followed by someone? why?
台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005
高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007
20071222, X'mas Costume Party
20071222, 2nd round