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Time:第 42次例會,2006年2月10日(週五)晚上7~9點
19:00~20:00 Gossip and chatting
20:00~21:00 Topic discussion
Host: Dirk Bremann
Source : http://www.btinternet.com
2006-02-10 HEC
The legal process in Britain can be illustrated by examining the crime of shoplifting. Every working day, small shops and large department stores have to protect themselves against this form of theft. Some stores display signs saying "WE ALWAYS PROSECUTE THIEVES", though their managers may have the option of warning shoplifters without reporting them to the police.
If a store manager decides to take a shoplifter to court, the legal process can be both time-consuming and expensive. The lawyer for the prosecution has to prove that the goods were deliberately taken and unpaid for. The lawyer for the defence (brit. spelling!) may argue that the defendant was forgetful or suffering from mental illness. As evidence of non-payment, the manager may have to produce a till roll showing what purchases were made around the time of the alleged crime.
It is the task of the twelve members of the jury to listen to the evidence on both sides and to the judge's summing up. They then retire to a separate room where they have to try to reach a verdict.
If the defendant is found "not guilty", he or she is then acquitted. If a "guilty" verdict is returned, the judge will then pass sentence. The sentence for shoplifting may range from a fine or a suspended sentence for a first offence to a period of imprisonment for a persistent offender.
Not too many new words this time, so please look them up yourselves.
1. You “forget” to give things back to friends, you find something you could send back to the owner or bring to the police station but you don’t, you “find” money in your mom’s purse but never tell her. Is that already theft or not?
What is your definition of theft?
2. When I was a child I stole some things sometimes (I might tell you later) and one time my mom found out (Also might tell you later, maybe Friday) – Well, that day was one of the worst in my life!
Have you ever stolen something? If YES, why? And if NO, why not?
3. It is proved that all types of people at all age levels and from all social levels steal. Why do you think people steal?
4. In Germany we have laws that if you use your boss’s telephone, the Internet or just do private things at work (any private activity you do within your working time, i.e. using even your private phone which means you do not work at this time although you are paid for it) it can already be called theft. And yes, if the boss wants legal action he can bring your case to court.
a) Does this regulation make sense?
b) Can you imagine that for Taiwan?
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