
The phrase finder, website

英文心得 (English Feedback)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

The phrase finder, website

文章Karen0710 » 週日 6月 08, 2008 12:05 am

I just came across this useful website in which you can check the meanings and the origins of phrases. You guys can take a look and bookmark it for your own needs :)

文章: 116
註冊時間: 週四 1月 31, 2008 11:05 pm

文章Fiona Li » 週二 6月 10, 2008 12:20 am

It's really useful!!! Thanks a lot , Karen :)
Fiona Li
文章: 114
註冊時間: 週日 5月 11, 2008 9:41 pm

文章henry Hsu » 週六 6月 14, 2008 5:05 pm

Hi! Karen,
No sooner had I seen this website than I burried my nose in it for hours. It is worth your while reading it a lot, many of them I couldn't understand though. :oops:
As we all know that proverbs and phrases play an important role in Engish just like those of the Confucius Works in Chinese.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
I can never thank you enough for offering this useful thesaurus.
henry Hsu
文章: 15
註冊時間: 週四 9月 27, 2007 2:58 pm

very useful site indeed!

文章hakee » 週日 6月 15, 2008 1:14 am

I came across this site around 2 years ago and also found it extremely useful, however, one minor drawback is the fact that it's mostly U.K. based. You can still request questions in American English, I'm sure there will be tons of people out there to help you out.

'Nuff said!
文章: 74
註冊時間: 週六 9月 22, 2007 2:05 am

文章Karen0710 » 週日 6月 15, 2008 1:31 am

Dear Fiona & Henry,
You guys are welcome. I believe sharing is very important. Though proverbs play an important role in English, I think we should use them carefully & appropriately. Some old proverbs may have fallen out of use and they would make our sentences too cliched. However, using the right proverbs or phrases can help us express ourselves more like native speakers.
文章: 116
註冊時間: 週四 1月 31, 2008 11:05 pm

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