Dear All ,
Long time no see , I'm now working in Shanghai and I miss you guys very much , wish all of you having good life there , actually Shanghai is quite flat , almost no mountains here , buuuuuuut , 浙江 and 蘇洲 are very very different , there are alot alot natures , also outside Shanghai there are many many very very good small islands for weekends , I am very happy to find out these nice places , also the young people here are very crazy about outdoor activities , they are very energetic , so I had alot fun with them , I wish one day you can come here and find out what I said .
From below web-site you shall find some photos of myself and many other locals here , we went to 浙東大峽谷 and stayed in the place over night , it was so nice , really wish you guys join us one day . ... a=&page=10
By the way , please be careful and not to think mainland is a different place , they have whatever we have in Taiwan and they even have more than what we have , the american and english influence are always trying to fool you and you shall open your eyes see the world but not from the big liers of BBC or CNN , otherwise you will never see the real world , becareful ( advise from an old man ) , infact today I'm having a great mood because today the weather is very good although in the early morning there were heavy rains but now it's sunny and nice . 黃浦江上的藍天白雲 made Shanghai so attractive .
衷心的希望台灣的年輕人跳出英美媒体的思想禁錮 , 用自己的眼看世界 .