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Time:第 175次例會,2008年9月27日(週六)下午2:30 ~5:30
14:30 ~15:30 Free Talk
15:30~16:00 Speaker Session
16:00~17:15 Topic Discussion
17:15~17:30 Happy Time
Host: Rock Chang(Taipei), Fiona Liao(Taichung), Benjamin Yeh(Kaohsiung)
Assistant Host:
Topic:Beauty contests are sexist
Source: http://www.helium.com/items/578404-beau ... are-sexist
I entirely agree that beauty contests are sexist and find it unfortunate that so many young women line up to propagate the subjugation of their gender. It may seem glamorous and prestigious to be crowned the most beautiful woman in the world, but such a title should not be the pinnacle of one's achievements.
I think it's outrageous to award scholarships to these winners. Why must women first attain a stature of physical beauty before they can cultivate their intelligence? The questions that they ask the beauty contestants and the answers they give are ludicrous. The only reason people watch that part of the pageant is to see what kind of ditsy, convoluted answer contestants can come up with while showing off their sparkling smile.
It's been commented before that since the audience of the beauty pageants are not only men, but women and children as well, that it cannot be sexist. I think that's entirely wrong. The women watching are not just watching the pageants, but watching their husband's reactions to them. They watch their husband's delight in seeing the swimsuit competition and may feel that to sustain their husband's affection they should conform to the same objectifying standards. These standards are inflicted upon the children watching as well. Sons will see their fathers salivate over skinny blonds and imitate their fathers reactions until they think that's what is desired, while daughters will watch their mothers uphold those objectifying standards and imitate their mothers until they think that's what is required of them to have a husband. This vicious circle can only be stopped if both parents are conscious of how their treatment of the other gender is communicating to their children how they should perceive the other gender.
In regards to contests in which men compete, like Mr. America or Mr. Universe, contestants do strive for a physical ideal, but the ideals of men and women contests are measured entirely differently. Women are judged on how effective their conformity to the objectifying standards are on the judges, while men are judged on the commitment it took to obtain the "perfect" biceps, deltoids, pectorals, and abs. However, what they are judged on goes beyond the physical power of the muscles of the contestants, but what that strength is equivocated to - dominance. Contests for men are competitions of physical and mental dominance over other men, and, without a doubt, women.
I know beauty pageants will not discontinue in the near future, but I wish more women would see through the sparkling veneer of crowns and sashes and realize these contests are reinforcing the subjugation of their gender.
Sexism is a belief that one sex is inferior to the other. It's harmful to individuals when their gender is the basis of discrimination and exploitation. Beauty contests, although offensive to some, are not sexist. They're nothing more than another form of expression for both the contestant and the viewer. Think of the contestants as artists themselves, sculpting what they hope to be their masterpiece. The viewers, then, are simply admirers of that art, scrutinizing and judging just as they would Michelangelo's David. And, true to the nature of art, different people prefer different forms.
Women who enter these contests are fully aware of the characteristics of the medium they chose to express themselves. They know they will be wearing a bathing suit and an evening gown. They also know that there will be some talent and exceptional quality required of them. Those who don't have it don't make the cut. Just as a writer edits her own work hoping to make an impression on her readers, the beauty contestant refines her individual talent and character hoping to score points with the judges.
The contests provide a means for public, rather than private, admiration. What man or woman isn't attracted to a charismatic, talented, good-looking person of the opposite, or same, sex? The beach is brimming with physical expression, admiration, and quiet judging. A beauty contestant certainly covers more than some publicly worn, barely-there bikinis. And they are admired just the same. Some freshman art classes end their semester with a nude model. The student artists have been studying art appreciation for weeks prior to being exposed to that assignment. Why? To learn to admire the form in front of them, whether it is a landscape, architecture, or a human body.
Unfortunately, as some people exploit musical talent by creating cookie-cutter performers to make a buck, or stifle the carpenter by trade to knock out 400 identical homes lacking quality construction to increase his own revenue, some people will inevitably be sexists and involve themselves in the beauty pageant industry. The world is full of exploitative people who will find an outlet, whatever it may be.
Suggested questions
1. Do you enjoy watching beauty contests or bodybuilding contests? why?
2. Do you agree that beauty contests are sexists?
3. If you were an extremely beautiful woman or super strong man, would you join a Miss Universe or Mr. Universe contest? Why or why not?


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