(Your brain is Male or Female)
總分300分,Lucia 是230分
The total score is 300 , and Lucia got 230 points.
多數男性的分數會分佈在 0 ~180 分之間
The most masculine's score can distribute between 0 ~180 points,
多數女性的分數會分布在 150 ~ 300 分之間
and the most feminine's score can distribute between 150 ~ 300 points.
分數高過 180 分的,就是很女性化的人
The score is over 180 points, who is the very feminization person.
The score is higher, the cerebrum is full of much more feminization with rich creativity.
They have talent for music and art.
They can make the decision depend on the intuition and the feeling , and are good at judging question from the very few information.