Hello and a big thank you to the club for allowing me to be a member.
I would like to take this opportunity to say how much I like the idea of this
kind of study group.
As an experienced Native speaking English teacher and a fellow language student ;
I have taught in many of the "after school English schools" and I know that leaning a new
language doesn't just happen, it takes hard work and real desire to acquire a new language.
It is one thing to learn a new language, but to then join in a public
debate conducted in that language is truly worthy of real congratulations,
and so I applaud you all for your abilities and hard work.
Of course we can always go that little bit further when learning anything new, so
should any of you feel the need to brush up on your writing skills, reading, need to
write a resume or report, letter writing or indeed any area where you need a little extra
coaching you can contact me for further information.
email: paulanthonysamson@hotmail.com
Telephone: 0955 844 959