We have Alpha, Conan, Chichi, John, Loraine, Kacy, Vincent, Theresa and the youngest one, Kecy's niece, Sophie.
Lorain is the new comer, I am happy to meet her; she has plenty of unique experience to share with us. While Conan was talking about the strawberry plucking in大湖. She said that she hates to pluck strawberry, because she has been plucked different kinds of fruit, such as strawberry, apple, mandarin and cherry in Australia. After that, there is no fruit plucking in her life anymore.
For the speaker session, Alpha is the first one at Hsinchu. He shared the "Free Hug" video with us about the campaign 給我抱抱 he organized in Taipei. I also want to have one in Hsinchu, especially in the cold winter
For the article discussion, we have learned a lot from Kacy. Kacy has been doing HR jobs for 6 years. During 6 years, she has reviewed nearly 4,000 CV. Therefore, from her professional points of view, we realize we have to make our CV as simple as possible. The recruiter doesn’t have time to read piles of paper. Also, don’t call the HR to ask whether they received your CV or not. It’s annoying for the HR people. They are busy enough. However, it’s necessary to appreciate them after the interview.
Hank is the host next time!
See you!
For the article with colorful photos, please visit my blog: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/funkychi