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14:30 ~15:30 (Free Talks)
15:30~16:00(Speaker Session)
16:00~17:15 (Topic Discussion)
17:15~17:30 (Happy Time)
Host: Dimitri Lee
Assistant Host: Louise Kuo
Topic:What women look for in men!
Source: http://love.ygoy.com/love-stages/what-women-want.php
A topic such as this can have diverse opinions and suggestions because it is a case of individual choice and it varies from woman to woman. But in these choices there are certain inherent characteristics which a woman looks for in a man. Some of them are:
A man must have a purpose himself
This reflects his will and strength in decision making. It also goes to show his degree of commitment when it comes to entering into a relationship. Most women look for this trait in a man for they feel that this would reflect his attitude and approach towards the relationship.
Healthy and strong
There is a general perception that women like men who are healthy and strong. This could be with regard to their physique as well as their emotional framework. Reasons could be many ranging from a healthy sex life to bearing an offspring. A healthy body goes a long way in this regard.
Women have a tendency to see how protective their male partner is. Does he have the makings of being a good husband and a caring father? Bearing these aspects in mind she seeks a person who has a protective nature.
Confidence in one's self!
This is one aspect which also acts as a determinant in a woman choosing a man. A confident man shows the tenets of surviving in austere and trying conditions. This also reflects the mental make up of the man. What also draws a woman's attention is the body language of the man. A positive body language goes a long way in winning a female partner
Men who are their real self
A woman looks for a certain sense of novelty with regard to her man. No degree of farce will help a man to get his woman for the farce won't last for long. So it is better that he remains his own self and presents his natural demeanor to the lady
Sense of Caring
Men who show a genuine sense of caring also get the attention of women. Women like to feel as if they have your heart, and you will do anything for them. You don't have to spend a bunch of money, or give up your poker night, just melt a little when she comes in the room, and continue to be a man she can respect, so she feels special about being with you.
So it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to arrange a unique evening for your partner and cook a meal for her instead of buying her expensive gifts as the former will show your sense of caring!
Funny and witty
A few women also look for a sense of wit and a certain degree of hum our in their man. So, if your kick off a witty conversation with your lady and top it with a few jokes then you have made your mark!
1.tenet: 原則 2.auster: 嚴格的 3.farce: 笑劇;鬧劇;滑稽戲
4.demeanor: 舉動,行為;風度 5. Make one’s mark: 留下好印象
1. Which of the above traits mentioned do you consider to be the most and the least important? Why?
2. In your opinion, what do you look for in men? And what do you look for in women?
3. What do you look for in your Mr. Right/ Snow white? What is the most attractive characteristic for you?
4. In the pursuit of sex equality, do you believe that men and women can be equally treated? Why?
台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005
高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007
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20070901, Speaker—Helen Ho
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