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Host: Amy Kao
Assistant Host:
Topic: Coffee and Health
Source: CNN Interactive English Magazine, Oct 2007 No. 85
Can prevent
1. Alzheimer’s disease
2. Antineoplastic
3. Cardioprotective
4. Dental caries
5. gout
6. laxative & diuretic
7. antioxidants/free radicals
1. Anxiety
2. constipation
3. teeth staining
4. coronary artery
5. menopause
6. magnesium deficiency/Hypomagnessemia
Caffeine conversion chart
1. Drip coffee – 115 ~ 175grams
2. Espresso – 100 grams
3. Brewed coffee – 80 ~ 135 grams
4. Instant coffee – 65 ~ 100 grams
5. Decaf brewed coffee – 3 ~4 grams
6. Decaf instant coffee – 2 ~3 grams
Researchers studied the effects of caffeine consumption on more than 7000 men and women over 65 who lived in three French cities. The subjects were followed and tested over four years for dementia and cognitive performance – things like memory, attention and orientation. Although the caffeine didn’t prevent dementia, it did help protect memory in women. Women who drank at least 300 milligrams of caffeine a day – that’s roughly three cups of coffee – were less likely to have memory impairment than women who drank less than 100 milligrams a day, and the protection got better with age. Previous research has pointed to caffeine’s neurological benefits, but the French study is closer to proving that it’s the caffeine and not other factors, such as education and income, that might explain the effect.
There are unanswered questions, Scientists don’t understand how caffeine protects memory, and they don’t understand why in this study it helped women but not men. Neurologist Dr. Jock Murray thinks that’s just a matter of time.
And I would not be surprised if we did a longer-term study and demonstrated that it also had a benefit in males.
This study comes on the heels of other research that shows caffeine and coffee may help prevent a host of diseases, from Parkinson’s to type 2 diabetes. Still, this nutritional science researcher says the benefits of caffeine still need to be weighed against the risks.
The authors of this study agree it’s too soon to advise older women to increase their caffeine consumption, but they say those who aren’t hypertensive and don’t have osteoporosis needn’t feel guilty about getting their daily coffee fix.
1. Do you think drinking coffee habit will affect the brain?
2. If you know the results of the study, will you change coffee consumption habits?
3. What are antioxidants and free radicals?
台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005
高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007