
分析as well as 用法:

英文問題 (English Question)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

分析as well as 用法:

文章brainman » 週二 10月 28, 2008 5:20 pm

分析as well as 用法:

抱歉請問一下,是否有人知道as well as 用法呢?

1. 不但...而且 (=not only ..but also..??)
2. 和...一樣;和;也(= and?)

My sister is a talented singer as well as a popular writer.

也可以改成:not only ..but also嗎?
My sister is not only a talented singer but also a popular writer.

He as well as I is happy about the result.
=He & I are happy about the result.

顧名思義也可以用and 代替, 但是出現如下例句我不知道是否變換正確?

I enjoy working with Marry as well as (I do) with Jane.
I enjoy working with Marry and (I do) with Jane.

Hello, EveryBody Nice to meet u ~
文章: 7
註冊時間: 週五 10月 17, 2008 11:01 am
來自: 內湖科學園區

Re: 分析as well as 用法:

文章dustin12345 » 週二 10月 28, 2008 7:21 pm

1) yes

2) yes
文章: 304
註冊時間: 週六 8月 02, 2008 9:07 pm

文章bradywang » 週二 10月 28, 2008 10:08 pm

No. "as well as" is not equal to "and".

"as well as" is also not a conjunction. The function of "as well as" is for providing more explanation for the term before it.

for example.
No such usage: A, B, as well as C

"as well as" is also not equal to "not only.. but also".
The meaning of the two phrases is slightly different in English.
However, I believe its Chinese translation is very similiar.
If you don't use it in Finance or in rhetoric, I think that's ok to use both of them.

The following is an exam for the meaning of "as well as".

Eating saltwater fish may significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma, according to three research studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
(A) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for
(B) be significant in reducing the risk of heart attacks and aid for
(C) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and aid
(D) cause a significant reduction in the risk of heart attacks and aid to
(E) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks as well as aiding

Please choose an answer from A~E which is the best grammer choice for the sentence.

The answer is C
文章: 347
註冊時間: 週四 6月 21, 2007 10:28 pm

文章dustin12345 » 週三 10月 29, 2008 10:22 am

(E) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks as well as aiding

I believe choice E is wrong not because of the usage of "as well as" but because of "aiding". Using "aiding" instead of "aid" here means the verb tense is inconsistent with "reduce".
最後由 dustin12345 於 週三 10月 29, 2008 11:44 am 編輯,總共編輯了 3 次。
文章: 304
註冊時間: 週六 8月 02, 2008 9:07 pm

文章dustin12345 » 週三 10月 29, 2008 10:45 am


The definition can also be extended to idiomatic phrases that behave as a unit with the same function as a single-word conjunction (as well as, provided that, etc.)

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work together to coordinate two items. English examples include both … and, (n)either … (n)or, and not (only) … but (also)....

For example:

Mary is a painter, writer, as well as a tennis player.
Mary is a painter, writer, and a tennis player.
Mary is not only a painter and writer, but she's also a tennis player.

I think all 3 of these sentences mean the same thing here, but the 2nd one is best because it is the most concise way to say the same thing.

But be careful! As Brady said "as well as" can also be used in other ways, like:

Mary can paint as well as she can write.

This means Mary's ability to paint = Mary's ability to write.
文章: 304
註冊時間: 週六 8月 02, 2008 9:07 pm

文章CarmenTao » 週四 10月 30, 2008 3:26 pm

Dear big brothers,
I'm never good at reading all the grammatical explanations in English 'cause I have to understand both the explanation and your English at the same time.
Please excuse me for posting some Chinese grammatical explanations here. :mrgreen:

And 和 as well as 有 什 麼 分 別 ?
And 和 as well as 都 可 譯 做 「 以 及 」 , 但 意 思 上 兩 個 詞 語 有 點 不 同 , 文 法 上 於 是 也 有 分 別 。
And 連 接 的 名 詞 、 動 詞 等 , 文 法 上 地 位 相 埒 , 都 可 以 作 主 詞 ( subject ) 、 主 要 動 詞 等 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) Jane and Mary were suspicious of him ( 珍 和 瑪 麗 對 他 有 疑 心 ) 。 ( 2 ) He works in the daytime and goes to school at night ( 他 白 天 工 作 , 夜 晚 上 學 ) 。
As well as 帶 出 的 名 詞 、 動 詞 等 , 卻 只 是 附 帶 的 說 明 , 所 以 , 和 主 詞 連 用 , 不 屬 於 主 詞 一 部 分 ; 和 主 要 動 詞 連 用 , 也 不 算 是 主 要 動 詞 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) Jane, as well as Mary, was suspicious of him ( 珍 和 瑪 麗 一 樣 , 對 他 有 疑 心 ) 。 ( 2 ) As well as working in the daytime, he goes to school at night ( 他 除 了 白 天 工 作 , 夜 晚 還 上 學 ) 。 第 一 句 主 要 說 的 是 珍 , 動 詞 也 就 用 單 數 形 式 的 was ; 第 二 句 重 點 在 他 夜 晚 上 學 , 留 意 as well as 之 後 動 詞 用 ing 形 式
As well as 片 語 是 附 帶 說 明 , 所 說 事 情 人 家 大 概 已 經 知 道 。 例 如 The stationer sells books as well as stationery ( 那 文 具 店 不 但 賣 文 具 , 而 且 賣 書 ) 這 一 句 , 不 宜 改 為 The stationer sells stationery as well as books , 因 為 要 強 調 的 是 「 文 具 店 賣 書 」 , 不 是 「 文 具 店 賣 文 具 」 。
Jane, Mary and Tom were suspicious of him 是 說 三 人 都 起 疑 ; Jane and Mary as well as Tom were suspicious of him 是 說 起 疑 的 除 了 湯 姆 還 有 珍 和 瑪 麗 ; Jane, Mary as well as Tom were suspicious of him 則 把 as well as 作 and 用 , 是 不 當 的 說 法 。
( 本 欄 轉 載 自 《 蘋 果 日 報 》 的 「 征 服 英 語 」 專 欄 , 作 者 為 古 德 明 先 生 )

文章: 423
註冊時間: 週六 4月 07, 2007 10:50 am
來自: 內湖

文章dustin12345 » 週四 10月 30, 2008 4:29 pm

http://education.163.com/06/0710/10/2LL ... 90121.html

As well as用作並列連詞,在科技英語中是很常見的。普遍流行的一種見解認為:"as well as用作並列連詞時,著重的不是as well as之後的詞,而是它之前的詞。所以翻譯時,通常應先譯as well as之後的詞,然後再譯它之前的詞。"(《科技英語問題解答》),P. 129)"作為並列連詞使用時,雖然連接的是兩個並列部分,但其重點在前者,不在後者。漢譯時要先譯後者,再譯前者。"(《英語輔導》)

但是,筆者在翻譯英語科技文章時,發現很多情況並非如此。例如下面的兩個例句都是從同一本書(Santokh S. Basi, Semiconductor Pulse and Switching Circuits, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1980)的同一章中摘錄下來的,但它們強調的重點並不相同。

如:It is to be noted that Thevenin 's theorem applies to AC as well as to DC circuits.


在這句話中,作者所強調的是as well as前面的部分。翻譯時把這個重點正確地表達出來是很必要的。但是作者接下去又說:

The above theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits.


顯然,這句話所強調的恰好是as well as 後面的部分。值得注意的是,強調後面部分的情況並非個別。下面這些句子都是從近年出版的英文原著中摘抄下來的:

1. The term IMPEDANCE is applicable only to AC circuits. Its unit of measurement is the ohm. It has a magnitude as well as phase angle. It is a complex quantity.


2. Note that Ohm's law holds true for DC as well as for AC circuits. However, when analyzing AC circuit, it is important to consider the magnitude as well as the direction of phasor quantities.


3. The electrical power supplied by the source to the circuit is given by P=VI(watts). The equation is applicable to a circuit as well as to a component in a circuit.


在上述數例中,作者所強調的顯然都是as well as後面的部分。可見,當as well as用作並列連詞時,究竟是強調前者還是強調後者,必須根據上下文來判斷。


4. Using the multimeter, measure and record the rms values of the input as well as the output (volts) in table E2-2.


5. Air, as well as water, is needed to make plants grow.


6. In many instances it is necessary to consider the rate at which work is done as well as the total amount of work done.


總而言之,as well as用作並列連接詞時,所強調的是前者還是後者,或者二者均不明顯地強調,必須根據上下文,仔細斟酌,然後才能判定。
文章: 304
註冊時間: 週六 8月 02, 2008 9:07 pm

文章dustin12345 » 週四 10月 30, 2008 4:40 pm

http://www.englishforums.com/English/Us ... d/post.htm

When we use 'as well as', we need to ask ourselves whether we want it to mean either 'in addition to / and' or 'equally well'.

First, if we want it to mean 'in addition to / and', then the verbal phrase comes after 'as well as' must follow the grammar rules that you cited:

Most of the time we use –ing form (participial phrase functions as adjectives):

「Smoking is dangerous, as well as making you smell bad」 is the same as 「In addition to making you smell bad, smoking is dangerous.」

However, we must observe one exception when we use infinitive in the main clause: the verbal phrase is also in infinitive form to preserve symmetry, for example:

「I have to feed the animals, plant the crop, as well as look after the children.」 (Note the infinitive form of the three verbs, and the conjunctive role of as well as).

Second, if we want 'as well as' to mean 'equally well', then 'as well as' must modify the main verb (e.g., I sing as well as (I) play piano – 'as well as' is adverbial).

One caution: do not use as well as to mean and when it could also mean 'equally well', for example: 「Please paint this chair as well as that table.」
文章: 304
註冊時間: 週六 8月 02, 2008 9:07 pm

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