
20060310, Article, Picture, Feedback

讀書會每週英文討論文章 (Weekly English Articles)

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20060310, Article, Picture, Feedback

文章Murphy Yang » 週一 1月 29, 2007 10:11 am

Happy English Club 電子報 本報由EVP Team編審
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14:30~15:30 (Free Talks)
15:30~16:00(Speaker Session)
16:00~17:15 (Topic Discussion)
17:15~17:30 (Happy Time)

Host: Thomas Tsai
Assistant Host: Willie Cheng

Topic: Job Interview Pointers
Get Advice and Insight from Waggener Edstrom's Staffing Partner

http://featuredreports.monster.com/firs ... winsights/

by Thad Peterson
Monster Staff Writer

Like many career advice experts, Steve Fogarty, staffing partner at Waggener Edstrom, says candidates should research a company thoroughly before an interview. And if the company is a private firm, that's not an excuse to skip doing your homework.

Where there's a will, there's a way, and finding a way to gather information on a company "distinguishes the great candidates from the good candidates," says Fogarty.

Consider Fogarty's company, a large independent public relations agency. He says that if someone were trying to find out about Waggener Edstrom, the candidate could take a number of steps. In addition to simply visiting the company's Web site, joining a trade organization like the Public Relations Society of America would almost certainly give someone interested in his company exposure to people who work there.

Fogarty offers a less conventional method as well: "People might be able to find a press release that one of our PR people has written and contact that person and say, I saw your press release. It looks really good. Would you be open to me asking a few questions? I'm doing research on your company.' That's a way to get information."

What else can you do to improve your chances at the interview? Try these tips from Fogarty:

Be Concise

Interviewees rambling on is one of the most common blunders Fogarty sees. "You really have to listen to the question, and answer the question, and answer it concisely," he says. "So many people can't get this basic thing down. You ask them a question, and they go off on a tangent. They might think you want to hear what they're saying, but they didn't answer your question."

Provide Examples

It's one thing to say you can do something; it's another to give examples of things you have done. "Come with a toolbox of examples of the work you've done," advises Fogarty. "You should come and anticipate the questions a recruiter's going to ask based on the requirement of the role. Think of recent strong strategic examples of work you've done, then when the question is asked, answer with specifics, not in generalities. You should say, es, I've done that before. Here's an example of a time I did that?' and then come back and ask the recruiter, id that answer your question?'"

Be Honest

Somehow, candidates get the impression that it's best to try to dance around difficult questions. "If you don't have a skill, just state it. Don't try to cover it up by talking and giving examples that aren't relevant. You're much better off saying you don't have that skill but perhaps you do have some related skills, and you're happy to tell them about that if they like."

Keep Your Guard Up

According to Fogarty, you can split recruiters into two schools. There are those who are very straight-laced and serious, and candidates better take the process seriously as well when dealing with them.

"Then you have recruiters like me," he says, chuckling. "I'm going to be that candidate's best friend when they call me. My technique is to put them at ease, because I want them to tell me everything, and a lot of candidates mess up in this area. They start to think, h, this guy is cool. I can tell him anything.' And then they cross the line." And that can take a candidate out of contention. Remember: Always maintain your professionalism.

Ask Great Questions

Fogarty says nothing impresses him more than a really good question that not only shows you've researched the company in general, but the specific job you're hoping to land as well. "That makes me go, ow, this person has really done their homework. They not only know the company, but they know the role.'"


1. What should you do before, during and after a job interview?
Separate this question into three parts to discuss.
2. Do you have any successful job interview experiences? Share it with your panelists.
3. Do you have any terrible job interview experiences? Share it with your panelists.
4. What’s the most inappropriate question you’ve ever been asked by the interviewer? Then how did you respond?
5. Have you ever been an interviewer to decide which interviewee can get the job? Tell us what’s the most important factor for an interviewee to get the job?

:lol: :lol: 例會須知 :lol: :lol:


:lol: :lol: 請將社團網站,加入我的最愛 :lol: :lol:

台北,每週六 (2005年6月起)
Taipei, Saturday, Weekly
from June, 2005



高雄,每月最後一個週日 (2007年4月起)
Kaohsiung, Final Sunday, Monthly
from April, 2007


最後由 Murphy Yang 於 週日 3月 11, 2007 9:24 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
Be Happy,Happier,Happiest in English Happily with Happiness
Nothing is Everything;Everything is Nothing!
Murphy Yang
文章: 421
註冊時間: 週六 5月 20, 2006 9:23 am
來自: Murphy Yang

Key words for this week! 0310

文章Nathan » 週五 3月 09, 2007 11:57 pm

The article of this week is pretty straightforward.
Public relations: this means the business to do with maintain connections to the other people or groups. Most people think this is a noun for the person who does this kind of things; however it’s just not the case. The person is usually called Public relations agent. Most people are confused by the Chinese characters of P.R.
From the 3rd sentence of “Be Concise”: So many people can't get this basic thing down. Is that done or down? I don’t know. Can someone check this for me, please?
Some the other words are missing and I think that wouldn’t hurt you guys. You guys are all good.

Here are some tips that might help you a little bit on interview:
1. Never, ever wear black suit. Dark gray might be the best. And don’t even think about green or red. Unless you applied a job for actors/actresses.
2. If your gender is male, please, take off all your earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. Make it simple. No weird haircut either.
3. Be honest. If you know something, you know it. If you don’t, you just don’t. Lying doesn’t help you at all.
4. Be confident. If you are a boss, you don’t want to hire someone who can never keep his/her chin up, right?
I did a lot of interviews in the states, and the above is my minute experience. Hope this will help you.
文章: 12
註冊時間: 週一 1月 08, 2007 11:20 pm
來自: 板橋市

文章Jammy » 週三 3月 14, 2007 12:35 am






文章: 82
註冊時間: 週日 4月 02, 2006 11:43 pm

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