Dear Iron Women and Men;
We meet at 9:00 in 羅東interchange on 9/12. The race will begin from 13:00 pm. I will pick up Brain, Brady will pick up Elisa. Louise, please pick up Jerry.
Dear Happier;
Please give us some words to cheer us up.
版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan
Elisa 寫:Dear Louise & Jerry:
It is nice to cooperate with you guys. Wish we can do it next time.
bradywang 寫:
Dear Elisa,
Your dream will come true soon. I heard there will be a triathlon in the south part of Taiwan by the end of 2009.
Oh..oh... I think now you must be on the way to Wien. Envy you.
Have a nice trip.
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