
20100627, June Outing, Paragliding in 金山

讀書會外活動 (Club Outing)

版主: GraceKuo, Gracie, Benjamin Yeh, Harris1984, kevinliu, Happy Jan

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章shoron » 週一 5月 10, 2010 11:55 am

hi Louis,
Please put me & claire in the waiting list.
Thanks a lot. :D

文章: 34
註冊時間: 週一 12月 17, 2007 4:21 pm

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Louis » 週六 5月 15, 2010 4:47 pm


I am Louis :D
The schedule and related information about this outing have been posted on the first page.
Please check it out !!!
文章: 62
註冊時間: 週五 4月 13, 2007 8:48 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Jerry_Chang » 週六 5月 15, 2010 9:47 pm

When can we know if there is any vancancy for waiting list

Louis 寫:
New information deliver !!

Registration is full !!!

Total:20 ppl
Max:20 ppl

Girlsx9: Yenni, Iris, Nancy, Nancy's friend, Jennifer, Clairelee, Maggie, Evan, Amanda
Boysx11: Brian, Louis, Dimitri, Dustin, Wofy, Rian, Paul, Stanley, Stanley's friend, Alex, Alex's friend
(Stanley and his friend will get there by themselves)

Waiting listx7: Kate, Matt, Jerry, Hank, Jason, Shoron, Claire

Date: 2010.05.30
Raining-Backup Date: N/A
Down Payment: NT1500
Bank info: code:008(華南銀行), account:112-20-0943324(戶名:陳亦萍)
participants: 20 ppl max
Conductors: Louis
Assistant: Maggie & Iris
Please send your personal data for insurance to Louis: roundtable68@yahoo.com.tw

( You can get an excel file by the link above.
Please fill in your personal data as the sample,
and send it to me before 5/24.Thanks!! )


7:50 gather at 善導寺 MRT station exit 5
8:10 depart for 萬里
9:30~12:00 enjoy the fun of flying
12:00~12:30 drive to 金山
12:30~14:00 lunch in 金包裡老街
14:00~16:00 外木山 footpath
16:15 sweet home

I will contact the coach of the paragliding club on May 29 and know the weather of the next day is OK or not.
The result will be announced here about 5:30 PM.
Please pay attention to my announcement on May 29 !!!

Backup (if the weather isn’t suitable for paragliding )
8:30 gather at MRT 善導寺station exit 5
8:50 depart for 金山
10:00~12:00 朱銘museum of fine arts
12:00~14:00 lunch in 金包裡老街
14:00~16:00 野柳scenic area (or翡翠灣)
16:10 sweet home

If you have any suggestions about the schedule, don't hesitate and tell me!!! :P



http://www.juming.org.tw/opencms/juming ... =0&info2=0

Hello! Every one!
I am Louis, this May’s outing conductor. :)

Almost every year, we always choose someday to go paragliding.
Of course, this year is not exception.

This May, it’s my turn to lead you guys to enjoy this exciting activity in 金山
Everyone knows paraglider depends on air flow for flying, it means playing paragliding needs suitable weather and nice conditions for flying.

Therefore, some people said it is dependent on the outing conductor is lucky or not (是否帶賽) for attendants can play paragliding successfully on that day.
I believe I am a lucky guy and everyone can enjoy the fun of flying in the sky.

As usual, the limitation of attendant will depend on how many cars we have!!
The more detail information I will post in our forum in the near future!!

If you are interested in this outing, don't hesitate, just sign in!!!!
文章: 5
註冊時間: 週六 5月 08, 2010 1:00 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章IrisChang » 週二 5月 18, 2010 12:08 am

Dear all,
So sorry I cannot fly with you guys.
But please keep me on your minds when you enjoy paragliding. :mrgreen:
I would love to give another chance to those who keeping waiting.
thx a lot.
I'll be there for you.
文章: 425
註冊時間: 週一 12月 24, 2007 1:44 am

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Louis » 週二 5月 18, 2010 12:40 am

Dear Jerry

If some attendant tells me he or she can't go on that day, I will take someone from the waiting list instead of him(or her) immediately.
Hope you can accept my reply. :)

文章: 62
註冊時間: 週五 4月 13, 2007 8:48 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Louis » 週二 5月 18, 2010 12:59 am

IrisChang 寫:Dear all,
So sorry I cannot fly with you guys.
But please keep me on your minds when you enjoy paragliding. :mrgreen:
I would love to give another chance to those who keeping waiting.
thx a lot.

Dear Iris
I have already accepted your request and I will keep you in my mind for just several seconds during my exciting flying. :D

Dear and lucky Kate
I will put you in the attendant list.
And please remember to pay the down payment and send your personal data for insurance to me before 6:00 PM on 5/23.

文章: 62
註冊時間: 週五 4月 13, 2007 8:48 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Louis » 週二 5月 18, 2010 1:20 am

Dear attendants !!

Please pay the down payment and send your personal data
for insurance before 6:00 PM on 5/23(Sunday).
Thanks a lot !!! :D

文章: 62
註冊時間: 週五 4月 13, 2007 8:48 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章IrisChang » 週二 5月 18, 2010 8:57 am

Louis 寫:Dear attendants !!

Please pay the down payment and send your personal data
for insurance before 6:00 PM on 5/23(Sunday).
Thanks a lot !!! :D


Tell you another big news!!
Nancy can provide a car~~~
so Brian please be the driver if needed.
I'll be there for you.
文章: 425
註冊時間: 週一 12月 24, 2007 1:44 am

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章MaggieChen » 週三 5月 19, 2010 12:13 am

Dear participants,

Please tell me the final four digital number of you banking account if you've remitted the money.
My mail address: missip6928@hotmail.com


文章: 5
註冊時間: 週六 12月 12, 2009 1:54 am

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Wofy » 週三 5月 19, 2010 10:35 pm

Hi Louis,
Please count my colleague Rian out, he decide not to join this outing, thanks.
文章: 214
註冊時間: 週日 3月 25, 2007 1:20 pm

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Louis » 週六 5月 22, 2010 1:03 pm

Dear attendant

I will join today's gathering.

If available, please give me your personal data for insurance and the money about 5/30 outing!!

Thanks for your cooperation!! :D
文章: 62
註冊時間: 週五 4月 13, 2007 8:48 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章paul » 週一 5月 24, 2010 1:52 pm

IrisChang 寫:Dear all,
So sorry I cannot fly with you guys.
But please keep me on your minds when you enjoy paragliding. :mrgreen:
I would love to give another chance to those who keeping waiting.
thx a lot.

Dear Iris;

I knew the bad news until today. I feel so so so so so ......disappointed. I am afraid I will fall into the ground without you.

Sad Paul
文章: 176
註冊時間: 週二 10月 28, 2008 6:43 pm

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章IrisChang » 週一 5月 24, 2010 6:18 pm

paul 寫:Dear Iris;
I knew the bad news until today. I feel so so so so so ......disappointed. I am afraid I will fall into the ground without you.

Sad Paul

Dear HP,
Fortunately, Evan and Amanda will be there.
You're so lucky, aren't you? :D

Wish you a SUNNY DAY!!
I'll be there for you.
文章: 425
註冊時間: 週一 12月 24, 2007 1:44 am

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Jerry_Chang » 週二 5月 25, 2010 10:51 pm

I got it! We will send the information and transfer the fee within tomorrow~ Cheers[

quote="Jerry_Chang"]When can we know if there is any vancancy for waiting list

Louis 寫:
New information deliver !!

Registration is full !!!

Total:20 ppl
Max:20 ppl

Girlsx9: Yenni, Iris, Nancy, Nancy's friend, Jennifer, Clairelee, Maggie, Evan, Amanda
Boysx11: Brian, Louis, Dimitri, Dustin, Wofy, Rian, Paul, Stanley, Stanley's friend, Alex, Alex's friend
(Stanley and his friend will get there by themselves)

Waiting listx7: Kate, Matt, Jerry, Hank, Jason, Shoron, Claire

Date: 2010.05.30
Raining-Backup Date: N/A
Down Payment: NT1500
Bank info: code:008(華南銀行), account:112-20-0943324(戶名:陳亦萍)
participants: 20 ppl max
Conductors: Louis
Assistant: Maggie & Iris
Please send your personal data for insurance to Louis: roundtable68@yahoo.com.tw

( You can get an excel file by the link above.
Please fill in your personal data as the sample,
and send it to me before 5/24.Thanks!! )


7:50 gather at 善導寺 MRT station exit 5
8:10 depart for 萬里
9:30~12:00 enjoy the fun of flying
12:00~12:30 drive to 金山
12:30~14:00 lunch in 金包裡老街
14:00~16:00 外木山 footpath
16:15 sweet home

I will contact the coach of the paragliding club on May 29 and know the weather of the next day is OK or not.
The result will be announced here about 5:30 PM.
Please pay attention to my announcement on May 29 !!!

Backup (if the weather isn’t suitable for paragliding )
8:30 gather at MRT 善導寺station exit 5
8:50 depart for 金山
10:00~12:00 朱銘museum of fine arts
12:00~14:00 lunch in 金包裡老街
14:00~16:00 野柳scenic area (or翡翠灣)
16:10 sweet home

If you have any suggestions about the schedule, don't hesitate and tell me!!! :P



http://www.juming.org.tw/opencms/juming ... =0&info2=0

Hello! Every one!
I am Louis, this May’s outing conductor. :)

Almost every year, we always choose someday to go paragliding.
Of course, this year is not exception.

This May, it’s my turn to lead you guys to enjoy this exciting activity in 金山
Everyone knows paraglider depends on air flow for flying, it means playing paragliding needs suitable weather and nice conditions for flying.

Therefore, some people said it is dependent on the outing conductor is lucky or not (是否帶賽) for attendants can play paragliding successfully on that day.
I believe I am a lucky guy and everyone can enjoy the fun of flying in the sky.

As usual, the limitation of attendant will depend on how many cars we have!!
The more detail information I will post in our forum in the near future!!

If you are interested in this outing, don't hesitate, just sign in!!!!
文章: 5
註冊時間: 週六 5月 08, 2010 1:00 pm
來自: Taipei

Re: 20100530, May Outing, Paragliding in 金山

文章Jerry_Chang » 週二 5月 25, 2010 11:08 pm

Dear Lousie and Maggie,

I have transfer the fee and e-mail you my insurance data. If there is any question please feel free to comtact me.
See u on Sunday~

Warmest Regards,

Jerry_Chang 寫:When can we know if there is any vancancy for waiting list

Louis 寫:
New information deliver !!

Registration is full !!!

Total:20 ppl
Max:20 ppl

Girlsx9: Yenni, Iris, Nancy, Nancy's friend, Jennifer, Clairelee, Maggie, Evan, Amanda
Boysx11: Brian, Louis, Dimitri, Dustin, Wofy, Rian, Paul, Stanley, Stanley's friend, Alex, Alex's friend
(Stanley and his friend will get there by themselves)

Waiting listx7: Kate, Matt, Jerry, Hank, Jason, Shoron, Claire

Date: 2010.05.30
Raining-Backup Date: N/A
Down Payment: NT1500
Bank info: code:008(華南銀行), account:112-20-0943324(戶名:陳亦萍)
participants: 20 ppl max
Conductors: Louis
Assistant: Maggie & Iris
Please send your personal data for insurance to Louis: roundtable68@yahoo.com.tw

( You can get an excel file by the link above.
Please fill in your personal data as the sample,
and send it to me before 5/24.Thanks!! )


7:50 gather at 善導寺 MRT station exit 5
8:10 depart for 萬里
9:30~12:00 enjoy the fun of flying
12:00~12:30 drive to 金山
12:30~14:00 lunch in 金包裡老街
14:00~16:00 外木山 footpath
16:15 sweet home

I will contact the coach of the paragliding club on May 29 and know the weather of the next day is OK or not.
The result will be announced here about 5:30 PM.
Please pay attention to my announcement on May 29 !!!

Backup (if the weather isn’t suitable for paragliding )
8:30 gather at MRT 善導寺station exit 5
8:50 depart for 金山
10:00~12:00 朱銘museum of fine arts
12:00~14:00 lunch in 金包裡老街
14:00~16:00 野柳scenic area (or翡翠灣)
16:10 sweet home

If you have any suggestions about the schedule, don't hesitate and tell me!!! :P



http://www.juming.org.tw/opencms/juming ... =0&info2=0

Hello! Every one!
I am Louis, this May’s outing conductor. :)

Almost every year, we always choose someday to go paragliding.
Of course, this year is not exception.

This May, it’s my turn to lead you guys to enjoy this exciting activity in 金山
Everyone knows paraglider depends on air flow for flying, it means playing paragliding needs suitable weather and nice conditions for flying.

Therefore, some people said it is dependent on the outing conductor is lucky or not (是否帶賽) for attendants can play paragliding successfully on that day.
I believe I am a lucky guy and everyone can enjoy the fun of flying in the sky.

As usual, the limitation of attendant will depend on how many cars we have!!
The more detail information I will post in our forum in the near future!!

If you are interested in this outing, don't hesitate, just sign in!!!!
文章: 5
註冊時間: 週六 5月 08, 2010 1:00 pm
來自: Taipei


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