Logo Contest Rule
1. 規則
(1) 尺寸:1~200kb,長500 pixel以內,寬500 pixel以內。
Size: 1~200kb, within 500 pixel length, within 500 pixel width.
(2) 格式:JPEG
Format: .jpg
(3) 意義:各以一百個中、英文字之內,描述Logo內含的意義。
Meaning: Describe the contained meaning of the logo within 100 English and Chinese words separately.
(4) Pantone Number:由競賽者提供,或由總會協助設定。
You can define the pantone number, or let it defined by Happy English Association on December 4, 2010.
2. 資格
(1) 會員專屬。在論壇填寫以下項目:#會員號碼,英文全名,區域分會。
Member only. Write down the following items on the forum: #Member Number, First Name and Last Name, the branch name of the association.
(2) Logo必須100%由參賽者原創,沒有抄襲及侵權問題,否則獲獎者由第二名遞補。
Logo should be 100% designed by the contestant. No copy or tort issues, or the winner will be replace by the 2nd place.
3. Process
(1) 參賽人數及logo數量不限。
No limitation for the amount of the contestants and logos.
(2) 將Logo鋪上論壇。
Post the logo on the forum.
(3) 比賽截日為2010年11月15日。
Contest deadline is November 15, 2010.
(4) 2010年11月16日至30日,5個分會個別將選出的1個logo鋪在論壇。
5 branches separately choose and post 1 logo on the forum during November 16 to 30.
(5) 2010年12月4日於高雄,5個分會會長於5個獲選的logo中,投票選出最終優勝者。
5 Presidents choose 1 final winner logo from the 5 contestant logos in Kaohsiung on December 4, 2010.
4. 獎金
Final Winner Award: NTD 10,000. Sponsored by Happy English Association for NTD 2,500 and sponsored by each branch for NTD 1,500.
5. 格式範例
Format Example
1. Contestant: #1, Happy Chan, Tainan Happy English Club
2. Declaration: The logo I posted is 100% designed by myself.
3. Meaning:
4. Pantone Number:
(or defined by Happy English Association on December 4, 2010.)
5. Logo:
20101204, 2010 Winter Conference in Kaohsiung
meeting by 5 Presidents

logos voted by 5 Presidents

winner logo

Tzong Chen is the representative of the logo winner, Ausra, to get the award, 10000 NTD.

5 Presidents
from left to right: the 11th Hsinchu/Kaohsiung/Tainan/Taipei/Taichung President
Fanny Chang/Shuni Hamamatsu/Happy Chan/Dustin Hsu/Tzong Chen