1) Please sign up on the forum
2) Order your meal Here
3) Make your payment before Nov 27 in order to enjoy Early bird price (member only !)
Lady*34: $Iris*, $Fiona*, $Louise*, $Shoron Cheng*, $Elisa*, $Karen*, $Maggie*, $Nancy*, $Nico*, $Claire Tsai*, $Claire Lee*, $Jennifer*, Jamie*, $Jean*, $Doris, $Yvonne*, $Yoyo*, $Amanda*, $Ruru*, $Chris*, $Pace*, $Sophia*, $Sophie*, $Sharon Peng*, Annie*, $Jessie Wang*, Eva*, $Stella, $Kelly*, $Peggy*, $Emily*, $Lynn*, Rennie*, Ting*
Gentleman*33: Willy*, $Brady*, $Dustin*, $Stanley Liu*, $Ian*, $Brian*, $Paul*, $Sam*, $Wofy*, $Felix*, $Dimitri*, Louis*, $Stanley, $Chris Chen*, $Barry, $Hans*, $Joe Wong*, $Domo*, $Joe Tseng*, $Ramesh*, $Arthur*, Jam, $Chris Deng*, $Happy*, Matt*, $Genius*, $Joe Chi*, Alfred*, Darren*, Kevin Shen*, Vincent*, Kevin Wang*, Banjamin
$: paid
*: registered

Want to be a Billionaire ?
Want to have a different Xmas party ?
This year, we are different !!
how different ? come to see yourself !!
1. Basic info:
Date: Dec 18, 2010
Time: 17:30~21:30
Place: 御多里歐式餐廳
Address:台北市內湖區陽光街238號 (近瑞光路口)
MRT: 港墘站 (文湖線) exit No 2
People limitation*60 : Gentlemen*30, Ladies*30 - First in first served, priority for members
2. Dress code:
Just image you're stepping into a Casino in Las vegas, what would you wear ?
Casual wear is NOT permitted. Please dress up properly !!

3. Transportation:
a) Public transportation :Taxi service will be available from 17:30~17:50 at 港墘MRT station exit no 2, on the cost of the club.
beyond this time frame, please come by yourself.
b) drive your car : a public parking is available right in front of the restaurant. 50 NT parking fee will be on the cost of the club.
4. Registration:
4-1. Admission fee: 650 NT
a) Member-Early bird : 450 NT (200 NT sponsored by club)
b) Non-member: 650 NT
c) Member- Rich bird : 650 NT ( no sponsorship from club)
==> Early birds need to pay admission fee to Iris either by wire transfer or in person on gatherings before Nov 27.
4-2. Registration steps:
a) Please sign up on the forum
b) Order your meal Here
c) Make your payment before Nov 27 in order to enjoy Early bird price (member only !)
4-3 Payment methods:
a) Give it to Iris directly on Nov 20th or 27th
b) Wire transfer to Iris at:
Bank code: 822(中國信託)
Bank account : 9015-4020-1730
Please provide the last 5 digits of your account after you have made your payment.
c) After your wire transfer, please fill out this form:
5. Bring an Open mind and a happy heart !!
<Relax!! The games we play that day are for fun only and we will use fake chips with no cash value (當天一切遊戲只用無金錢價值的假籌碼) >