Dear Murphy,
Wow...Are you a policeman? I remember not so long ago, whlie I drove my car to buy lunch, suddenly my cell phone rang, and I picked it up very soon, but, at that moment, I didn't know when the two policemans have already stood there and saw me picked up the phone while driving, they asking me to stop the car at side. I begged them to let me go due to I just went out for lunch, and I promised won't pick up the phone while driving next time, however, they didn't listen what I said, and finally
I was be fined NT$3,000.- .
The conclusions are :
1. The 2 policemans executed their job very well.
2. At that day my lunch costed NT$3,000.- which is the most expensive
lunch I've ever ate during my life.
3. I added the darker 隔熱紙(how to say it in English ?) on my front glass
of car , if so , nobody can see me pick up the phone while driving...
(Ha.... it's joking... ^_^)...tell the truth, finally, I buy one head-sets to
solve this problems...
My life is changing every day in every possible way.