14:30 Free Talk Session
15:00 Speaker Session
15:20 Officer Handover Ceremony
15:30 Break Time (desserts, beverage, music show)
16:00 Discussion Session
16:40 Happy Time Session
17:00 The Opening Ceremony of Happy English Association, R.O.C.
17:00 理事長致詞
17:05 揭牌剪綵
17:10 舞龍舞獅放鞭炮(optional)
17:15 榮譽顧問暨榮譽會員授證
17:20 榮譽顧問暨榮譽會員致詞
17:25 理事致詞
17:30 合影留念
20071208, Opening Ceremony

20071208, Opening Ceremony, Video