click me

Paid: 50 ppl
Limited: 50 ppl
Registered: 52 ppl
We only have 50 seats in the restaurant, pls transmit the entrance fee to Elisa's account in order to reserve a seat
Early Bird*37
Elisa Tai(11/10), Louise Kuo(11/10), Happy Chan(11/10), Helen Ho(11/10), Dimitri Lee(11/10), Warren Family*5(11/17), Eric Chen(11/17), Rock Chang(11/17), Hannah Lee(11/17), Wofy Lo(11/22), Sophia Chiu(11/24), Junior Chang(11/24), Chi Tang(11/24), Selena Chang(11/24), Harold Kuo(11/24), Carol Chang(11/24), James Chiang(11/24), Henry Hsu(11/24), Mindy Su(11/24), Amy Kuo(11/28), Richarel Liang(11/29), Brady Wang(11/30), Ting Kuo(11/30), Sakura Huang(11/30), Nadine(11/30), Celia(12/1), Shoron Cheng(12/1), Chris Chen(12/1), Thomas Tsai(12/1), Nicole Liu(12/1), Bill Liao(12/1), John Tang(12/1), Robin Cheng(12/1)
Girls*30: Elisa Tai(11/10), Louise Kuo(11/10), Helen Ho(11/10), Bess Chung(11/11), Amy Kao(11/11), Sophia Chiu(11/11), Sakura Huang(11/12), Joanna Chiang(11/17), Amy Chiang(11/17), Chi Tang(11/17), Selena Chang(11/17), Celia Chen(11/17), Nadine Lan(11/17), Hannah Lee(11/17), Ting Ku(11/17),Carol Chang(11/24), Vivian Ye(11/24), Mindy Su(11/24), Nicole Liu(11/30), Shoron Cheng(12/1), Betty Chan(12/1), Bonita Fung(12/1), Linda Liang(12/4), Mei Ling Lo(12/15), Grace Lee(12/15), Carmen Tao, Mandy, Mei, Rita, Peggie
Boys*22: Happy Chan(11/10), Dimitri Lee(11/10),Wofy Lo(11/10), Brady Wang(11/12), Steve(11/17), Warren Chiang(11/17), Jonathan Chiang(11/17), Golden Chiang(11/17), Eric Chen(11/17), Junior Chang(11/17), John Tang(11/17), Harold Kuo(11/17), Rock Chang(11/17), Richarel Liang(11/17), James Chiang(11/24), Robin Chang(11/24), Henry Hsu(11/24), Bill Liao(11/24), Chris Chen(12/1), Thomas Tsai(12/1),Stanley Huang(12/15), Howard
2007 HEC X'mas Costume Party
Date: 2007.12.22
Time: 17:30 ~ 22:00
Venue:Imperial Hotel 華國大飯店
Address:台北市林森北路600號2F 曹植姜維廳
Activity: X'mas Uniform Party
Entrance fee:
Early birds ~ NTD 400 (registration before Nov 30, members only !)
Rich birds ~ NTD 600(registration after Nov 30)
Deposit: Please remit your entrance fee at the time you register to Elisa in person, or by T/T
Banking info: 安泰銀行, 銀行代碼: 816
Account no: 029 22 0133515 00
Requirement: Please wear any kind of uniforms or costumes !! Required !!
Conductor: Elisa
Asst. conductor: Louise
Contact: Elisa (
17:30~ 18:00 Walk of fame
18:00~ 18:40 X'mas feast
18:40~ 20:30 Chorus and games
20:30~ 22:00 Fashion show and Award ceremony
Dear Happy Members~

There it is !! A X'mas Party that will stick to your memory forever !!
Have you ever been to a business party where you can find the hottest airline hostess? the most professional doctors and nurses ? the sweetest 檳榔西施? and the most experienced 舞龍舞獅 ?
If you have been dreaming about that, don't hesitate to join us with the occupation of your dream and share it with us !!
We welcome all kinds of occupations and the uniforms that come along !! Don't hesitate anymore, just show us your uniform and sign up for an early bird price !!
20071222, X'mas Costume Party

For more and bigger photos, you can check my web albums ... stumeParty
