The icon

330 points

340 points

670 points

201 points

20080803, Doraemon: 44, Hello Kitty: 40
20080804, Doraemon: 44, Hello Kitty: 67
20080807, Doraemon: 91, Hello Kitty: 80
20080809, Doraemon: 103, Hello Kitty: 106
20080812, Doraemon: 122, Hello Kitty: 117
20080814, Doraemon: 134, Hello Kitty: 140
20080822, Doraemon: 161, Hello Kitty: 152
20081024, Doraemon: 200, Hello Kitty: 203
20081026, Doraemon: 215, Hello Kitty: 214
20081123, Doraemon: 220, Hello Kitty: 241
20081208, Doraemon: 295, Hello Kitty: 280
20081210, Doraemon: 295, Hello Kitty: 296
20081211, Doraemon: 300, Hello Kitty: 299
20081212, Doraemon: 316, Hello Kitty: 333

Doraemon Team*330
#1 Happy Chan*18: ABCDEFHIJKLMNWabcd
#7 Sherry Juan*7: ACEFIJL
#63 Megan chen*10: ABCDEFGHIJ
#85 Ines Tsai*10: ABCDEFIJLW
#99 Teresa Lin*6: ABCEFI
#117 Eva Wu*5: ACEGI
#119 Benjamin Lin*27:ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYabd (top 1)
#123 Amy Zheng*6: ABCEFI
#125 Amy Kao*12 ABCDEIMNObcd
#139 Warren Chiang*15: ABCEFGHIJLNTUVW
#145 Louise Kuo*23: ACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSVWXbd (top 3)
#147 Alice Lim*10: ACEFHILNOT
#151 Chris Chen*12: ABCEFGHIOPWY
#157 Howard Chen*18: ABCEFIJMOPQUVWXYZa
#163 Nicole Liu*9: ACDEFIJMa
#167 Nadine Lan*15: ACEHIJMNOPRSVbc
#169 Helen Ho*8: ACDEFJLM
#173 Kristi Wang*15: ABCDEFGHILMPVWa
#181 Remous Wan*7: ABCDPVW
#183 Luke Lu*8: ABCEFIOP
#185 Paul Tsai*9: ACDEFGHJL
#187 Wiggles Wu*5: ABCDF
#189 Carrie Chung*7: ACEJLNW
#191 Benjamin Nien*8: ABCDEFJN
#193 Twink Huang*2: AC
#195 Stanley Lo*4: ABCE

Hello Kitty Team*340
#22 Cathy Lin*14: ACDEFHIJMNORTV
#30 Benjamin Yeh*12: ACDEFGHIMNUV
#72 Lancy Wang*24: ABCDEFGHIJLNOPQRTVYZbcde (top 2)
#82 Sakura Huang*22: ABCDEFGHIJMOPQRTVWYZbe (Hello Kitty Captain)
#90 Coralie Chang*6: ABCDEF
#98 Jammy Tsai*9:ACDEFIMOW
#126 Ting Ku*11: ABCDEFJNWYa
#130 Carmen Tao*14: ABCDEFGHIJOTVW
#132 Wofy Lo*13: ADEFGHIJMWbce
#134 Brady Wang*17: ACDEFHIJMNOPTWXYa
#136 Carol Chang*11: ACDEFGHIJMW
#152 Selena Chang*9: ACDEIJNWa
#162 Tracy Weng*8: ACEFIJMO
#168 Andrew Chi*3: ACE
#172 Howard Chen*15: ABCDEFHIJKNOTVW
#176 Richard Chen*10: ACDEIOPRVW
#182 Iris Chang*23: ABCDEGHIJLNOPQRSVWYZbcd (top 3)
#186 Alex Liu*10: ABCDEFJLWa
#188 Shown Chen*9: ABCEFGLNO
#192 James Chen*10: ABCEFGILNW
#194 Brian Huang*14: ABCDEFHIJLMOVW
20081213, the victory of OMP, Hello Kitty Team
20081213, Hello Kitty Team, cheers for the victory
20081213, Hello Kitty Team, 慶功宴, Free Dinner
Dear Members,
You can download the OMP, Outstanding Member Program, by the following link:
http://www.happyforum.org/files/Outstan ... 081213.xls
During the presidency of the 7th President, Wofy Lo, we can learn and progress a lot.
Please reply by the points of the OMP, Outstanding Member Program, you have reached, and we will update the OMP, Outstanding Member Program, on the forum as soon as possible. Once you reach all of points, your English ability will be better for sure, and you will definitely make many friends from this happy family. It also means you have make an outstanding performance to be a model for others. We will formally give the top 3 members who get the most OMP points the certificates by the name of Happy English Association.
We seperate each member into Doraemon Team or Hello Kitty Team. If your member numbers are the odd numbers, you are in the Doraemon Team. If your member numbers are the even numbers, you are in the Hello Kitty Team.
The last number of the odd numbers are "1, 3, 5, 7, 9."
The last number of the even numbers are "2, 4, 6, 8, 0."
The more OMP Points your team gets, the more your team dedicates to Happy English Club. To honor the winner team for the dedication to our club, Happy English Club will award $3,000 NTD subsidy to the winner team on December 13th, 2008. The winner team can enjoy the dinner & 2nd-round by this subsidy on the same day.
A point is the basic requirement of joining in OMP, Outstanding Member Program.
31 points of OMP, Outstanding Member Program, are as following:

A. be the member and have got the member number
B. introduce yourself on the forum
C. register an account on the forum
D. upload your face/cartoon/scenery icon on the forum
E. keep paying the entrace fee when enter the gathering venue
F. keep hanging the member name card on the clothes
G. keep helping the SAA team to arrange the venue before the gathering
H. keep helping the SAA team to recover the venue after the gathering

I. 20080614-20081213, reply the OMP on the forum
J. 20080614-20081213, post/reply/share something on the forum
K. 20080614-20081213, reply your feedback to the discussion article on the forum
L. 20080614-20081213, share your feedback of the discussion article in the gathering
M. 20080614-20081213, Take a look to the "Club Finance" on the forum announced by the Treasurer.
N. 20080614-20081213, bring your friend to the gathering
O. 20080614-20081213, give a hug to the new member in his/her Induction Ceremony
P. 20080614-20081213, be the Gourmet
Q. 20080614-20081213, be the Game Conductor
R. 20080614-20081213, be the Happy Time Conductor
S. 20080614-20081213, be the Party Conductor
T. 20080614-20081213, make the speech in the gathering
U. 20080614-20081213, be the assistant host
V. 20080614-20081213, be the host
W. 20080614-20081213, join the outing
X. 20080614-20081213, be the outing conductor
Y. 20080614-20081213, share the "Saturday Dinner" photos by sending them to Gourmet Master
Z. 20080614-20081213, share the "2-nd round" photos by sending them to Gourmet Master
a. 20080614-20081213, share the outing photos by replying the outing article on the forum
b. 20080501-20080531, reply the "Officer Pledge" to be the Officer
20080501-20081213, I'm a Master Officer and my Deputy Officer has replied "Officer Pledge."
20080501-20081213, I'm a Deputy Officer and I'v replied "Officer Pledge."
d. 20080501-20081213, reply the "All Schedule" as the Master Officer
e. 20081101-20081130, find your successor to reply the "Officer Pledge" during May/November
Member Numbers, Member Names
#1 Happy Chan
#2 Sam Cheng
#3 James Shi
#4 Gary Kong
#5 Allen Chang
#6 Eva Sue
#7 Sherry Juan
#8 Wei Wang
#9 Alen Huang
#10 Claire Liu
#11 Vincent Jan
#12 David Chen
#13 Mandy Lin
#14 Julian Lin
#15 James Huang
#16 Kylie Sun
#17 Doris Kuo
#18 Cathy Hsieh
#19 Auther Wang
#20 Edison Lee
#21 Ken Fu
#22 Cathy Lin
#23 Eve
#24 Josper Hwaung
#25 Stanley Ho
#26 Sonya Yeh
#27 Mark Liu
#28 Iris Chen
#29 Dustin Wu
#30 Benjamin Yeh
#31 Nancy Liu
#32 Miao Chueh
#33 Devin Lu
#34 James Jiang
#35 Soya Wu
#36 Brooky
#37 Mindy Su
#38 Haley
#39 Annie Chung
#40 Hannah Li
#41 Howard
#42 Fenny
#43 Chris Hsiao
#44 Dirk
#45 Sam Wu
#46 Mark
#47 Milena Hsieh
#48 Ben Yang
#49 Steven Huang
#50 Maggie Huang
#51 Lin
#52 Melissa Liu
#53 Chaw Chen
#54 Kent
#55 Gravin Chen
#56 Thomas Tsai
#57 Vicky Tsai
#58 Eugene Huang
#59 Cheng Hui Ying
#60 Michelle Chou
#61 Jeff Chao
#62 Ken Tsai
#63 Megan Chen
#64 Lucia Kuo
#65 Julia Tsai
#66 Denny Chen
#67 Benjamin Hu
#68 Andrew Hsu
#69 Duke Hsieh
#70 Charlie Yang
#71 Mindy Lee
#72 Lancy Wang
#73 Louisa Chen
#74 Angela Hsieh
#75 Steven Wang
#76 Murphy Yang
#77 Bernard Chen
#78 France Chen
#79 Mabel Li
#80 Angel Chan
#81 Jacky Lin
#82 Sakura Huang
#83 Peter Huang
#84 Elisa Tai
#85 Ines Tsai
#86 Rebecca Lu
#87 Sophia Chiu
#88 Robert Yeh
#89 Rock Chang
#90 Coralie Chang
#91 Leo Huang
#92 Stephanie Hong
#93 Ivy Lai
#94 Bess Chung
#95 Heidi Chan
#96 Rico Fang
#97 Eliko Tseng
#98 Jammy Tsai
#99 Teresa Lin
#100 Anne Liu
#101 Gina Huang
#102 Mandy Liao
#103 Leon Yu
#104 Mavis Wu
#105 Jennifer Lin
#106 Johnson Fan
#107 Michael Chan
#108 Grace Cheng
#109 Sam
#110 Leon Chuang
#111 Sunny Chak
#112 Bill Liao
#113 Luis Ko
#114 Jack Chang
#115 George Tang
#116 Monica Lin
#117 Eva Wu
#118 Tim Shen
#119 Benjamin Lin
#120 Darren Chan
#121 CoCo Kuo
#122 Grace Lee
#123 Amy Zheng
#124 Martin Lu
#125 Amy Kao
#126 Ting Ku
#127 Ramesh
#128 Louis Tsai
#129 Mona Chang
#130 Carmen Tao
#131 Timothy Cheng
#132 Wofy Lo
#133 Jack Lee
#134 Brady Wang
#135 Eric Chen
#136 Carol Chang
#137 Loreu Yu
#138 Chi Tang
#139 Warren Chiang
#140 Jonathan Chiang
#141 Golden Chiang
#142 Dimitri Lee
#143 Junior Chang
#144 Yan-Chi, Chang
#145 Louise Kuo
#146 Ethan Tseng
#147 Alice Lin
#148 Kylie Chen
#149 Richard Liang
#150 John Tang
#151 Chris Chen
#152 Selena Chang
#153 Harold Kuo
#154 Robin
#155 Betty Chen
#156 Mark Tseng
#157 Howard Chen
#158 Celia Chen
#159 Bonita Fang
#160 Tommy Cheng
#161 Daphne Syu
#162 Tracy Weng
#163 Nicole Liu
#164 Stacey Chang
#165 Shoron Cheng
#166 Henry Hsu
#167 Nadine Lan
#168 Andrew Chi
#169 Helen Ho
#170 Vivan Yeh
#171 Willie Cheng
#172 Howard Chen
#173 Kristi Wang
#174 Karen Chou
#175 May Hsu
#176 Richard Chen
#177 Fiona Li
#178 Cody Chang
#179 Adi Wu
#180 Dustin Hsu
#181 Remous Wan
#182 Iris Chang
#183 Luke Lu
#184 Hans Lee
#185 Paul Tsai
#186 Alex Liu
#187 Wiggles Wu
#188 Shown Chen
#189 Carrie Chung
#190 Linda Chen
20081213, 7th Outstanding Members
20080614, Outstanding Member, Loiuse Kuo, 21 points

20080614, Outstanding Member, Elisa Tai, 20 points

20080614, Outstanding Member, Cathy Lin, 18 points