
Home maintenance

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Home maintenance

文章CarmenTao » 週三 1月 28, 2009 11:41 am

Living alone always gives us a lot of elbow room which is the beauty part that I enjoy the most. On the other hand, it is never easy to live by yourself particularly for a woman or maybe a kid (me). We always need to maintain the apartment ourselves and sometimes I wish I were a giant. Mostly I call in a plumber or an electrician to fix something for me. I only call the one my Mom also calls. Additionally, it is always his wife to take the call which seems to be safer. Sometimes my friends suggest me have a male friend help me. Actually it is not as good as many people think because a guy friend of mine almost broke my fluorescent tube fixture last year.

The ceiling light in my back balcony started to flicker last June. I tried to ignore it because sometimes it seemed fine. Besides, I am not tall enough to even touch it when standing on a chair. Last week, I just could not put up with it anymore and bought a 4-step steel square angle ladder with my consumer coupons. It is stable and you do not need someone to hold it for you. When you don't need it, you may fold it and it's only about 7-cm thick. I'm glad that the light starter was finally replaced and the fluorescent tube will soon be replaced too.

文章: 423
註冊時間: 週六 4月 07, 2007 10:50 am
來自: 內湖

Re: Home maintenance

文章IrisChang » 週四 1月 29, 2009 2:28 am

Dear Carmen,

the ladder seems quite useful!!
I was standing laboriously on the desk when replacing the fluorescent tube. :?
and if there is any problem at my place, I always call the landlord to deal with.
it's free and easier. :P

living alone is just awesome. 8)
can not believe it's been five years since I left my hometwon for studying
still enjoy the freedom :wink:

Happy Chinese New Year!!
I'll be there for you.
文章: 425
註冊時間: 週一 12月 24, 2007 1:44 am

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